Christmas fic!

Dec 24, 2011 14:02

Since it's already December 24th here, aka Christmas Eve, I've got a short little Christmas fic as a gift for everyone on my friends-list.

This is dedicated to three very wonderful people: eidolon_bird, ink_in_a_teacup, and seablue_eyes. I'd also like to thank sunflower_mynah for betaing it! ♥

Featuring my RP character lordofsin aka Belial, Crown of Satan and Archdemon of Lust and Sloth. Lucifer here is based on the first Lucifer I played with, grace_descends, who was influenced by the Lucifer comics; he still ruled Hell, but he also owned the Lux club.


Winter in Los Angeles is quite cool; the sky is crisp and clear when it is not raining, and despite the sun’s heat, there is a definite chill to the breeze. Inside the exclusive club known as Lux, however, it is comfortably warm, and the patrons bask in this light and heat.

Lucifer is seated at the piano, soft lighting playing over his fair hair, elegant fingers dancing over the ivory keys. Although the Lightbringer’s attention is on the piano and the delicate melody he is playing, although he is at the side of the room and his posture unobtrusive, most of the patrons find their focus being drawn to him, moths to a bright flame. Then someone steps out from a door behind the piano.

Belial, favoured Crown of Satan, moves gracefully to the front of the room. Dressed in a sleek suit, kohl-lined eyes on the microphone as he adjusts it, he seems unconscious of the attention. Lucifer’s melody segues into something slower, richer, and Belial begins to sing.

His voice is smooth as silk, deep and dark and seductive, and as he croons into the microphone he lifts his eyes. His gaze slowly sweeps the room, heated and heavy, lingering slightly on some; as their breaths hitch he continues to sing about desire, longing, burning passion. He promises pleasure and fulfilment, body swaying slightly to the music, hands caressing the microphone stand like a lover.

As their song ends, there is a moment of silence before the room breaks into applause. Belial does not bow; he simply inclines his head towards them slightly in acknowledgement, and as he does so his gaze slants sideways to meet Lucifer’s. The Morningstar’s intense golden eyes are fixed on his Crown, holding clear approval - and it is his approval and none other’s that Belial seeks, holds dear - and something else; heat, desire, and a promise.


And Belial smiles.


role-play, friends and family, adam lambert, original fiction, lucifer, fanfiction, archangels

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