Aug 04, 2011 00:43

So I was summarising Beowulf for a friend:

SavioBriion says: (PM 11:22:34)
They introduced themselves - Beowulf son of Ecgtheow (I can never spell his name!) and his retainers.

SavioBriion says: (PM 11:23:15)
Aka the band of loyal knights that most young lords gathered to themselves and who proved themselves through acts of valor. He had no problem with his teeth as far as we know.

Eunice says: (PM 11:23:31)

Eunice says: (PM 11:23:35)
thanks for explaining that

Eunice says: (PM 11:23:43)
i was abt to commennt that beowulf had braces???

I hope my explanation was correct, it's been ages since I've read Beowulf. However, the mental image of Beowulf wearing braces just tickles me. XD

norse myth, random lol stuff

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