Title: In Her Arms
Rating: R
Pairing: Sirius/Hermione
Discliamer: I don't own anything. Not even the cloaths on my back.
A/N: Wrote this while listening to Coldplay's "The Scientist", so it might help to listen to the song while reading this. You know, to really get the feel of the story with it's emotion and wholeness. I was also thinking alot of Jake Gyllenhaal when writing this. Sorta pictured him as Sirius this time around, maybe you should, too. You know, this time around.(x-posted)
In Her Arms
Hermione stood in the doorway of Sirius' bedroom, silent in the darkness. He was sleeping. She walked across the room to his bedside. She could hear her heart beating and closed her eyes, running through her head what was going to, supposed to, happen.
Groan of the bed. Her hand on Sirius' face. Her lips on Sirius' lips. Her fingers roaming Sirius' body, and his on hers. Cloaths on the floor and sweat on their backs. Body against body. Body against...
Hermione knelt on the bed, it groaned beneath her. Sirius' stirred in his sleep. In his sleep he stirred and Hermione stopped. She placed her hand on his cheek. His eyes opened and looked up at the girl, the girl that was twenty-one years younger. Fifteen years too young.
Not in her eyes, no not in her eyes. She leaned into kiss him, and he pulled away. Confusion in his look, "No" on his lips. But Hermione put her lips on his, and took that "No" away. She took that "No" away, while running through her head what was going to, supposed to, happen.
Groan of the bed. Her hand on Sirius' face. Her lips on Sirius' lips. Her fingers roaming Sirius' body, and his on hers. Cloaths on the floor and sweat on their backs. Body against body. Body against...
She laid ontop of him, her lips on his, her tongue touching his, her hands in his hair. Hermione barely breathed when Sirius began to lift up her shirt and pull it over her head. Her shirt was over her head and on the floor, Sirius' lips pushing into hers, onto hers, into hers.
Sirius undid her pants. Her pants, her underwear on the floor. Sirius' pants need to come off, they're off. Out of the way. Their bodies touching, pushing, heaving, sweating. Hermione's shaking, Sirius' hand steadies her, steadies her shaking.
Groan of the bed. Her hand on Sirius' face. Her lips on Sirius' lips. Her fingers roaming Sirius' body, and his on hers. Cloaths on the floor and sweat on their backs. Body against body. Body against...
Sirius is on top, his weight on Hermione, pressing down on Hermione. His lips on her neck, her chest, her nipples, her stomach. Her back arches toward Sirius, toward his touch. Back to her mouth, tongues darting in and out, colliding, dancing, tongues swirling.
Sirius parts Hermione's legs, spread wide, and ready, open and ready. He enters her and she gasps, he gasps, she gasps. Their bodies move together with each thrust. Sirius' hands roaming her body, massaging her body, with each thrust.
Groan of the bed. Her hand on Sirius' face. Her lips on Sirius' lips. Her fingers roaming Sirius' body, and his on hers. Cloaths on the floor and sweat on their backs. Body against body. Body against...
Hermione's on the edge. Sirius' is on the edge. They sudder and come, they shudder. Her body relaxes, and his on hers. Sirius' is in her arms, she holds Sirius in her arms. He looks up at her, and she down at him. Her eyes smile, and her lips smile. His do, too. His, too.
Sheets pulled up, head on her chest, he sleeps. She doesn't. She watches him in the darkness, watches him breathe, watches him live. She watches him live in her arms. In her arms.
Groan of the bed. Her hand on Sirius' face. Her lips on Sirius' lips. Her fingers roaming Sirius' body, and his on hers. Cloaths on the floor and sweat on their backs. Body against body. Body against...
Sleep, now. Sleep...