Title: It Was Good Enough...
thescarletwomanPairing: implied Sirius/Remus
Rating: PG
Summary: Severus runs into Remus in a café, and Remus begins to reflect on his relationship with Sirius.
Author's Note: Written for the
sirius_loving community with the challenge of using the line "It was good enough for me" from the Brit version of QaF.
The weather had grown colder the past few days. Even the sky seemed to have taken on a grey overcast that just looked cold. At least the café was warm. That much was evident from the fog covering the windows; partially obscuring the people passing by outside.
Every now and then, Remus would raise his hand to wipe the condensation from the window, half expecting to see the first snow of the season falling from the sky. Yet every time he did so, he was only rewarded with the vision of red-faced people staring back at him, stuffing their hands further into coat pockets trying to find any shard of warmth. The handprint was soon covered over once again with a lighter covering of moisture and Remus was simply glad to be enveloped in the café's warmth.
Remus took another sip of his tea, thankful for the heat of the hot, sweet liquid as it slipped down his throat. Perhaps he could hide out here a little while longer before re-joining the throng of people outside braving the cold weather.
Or maybe he should have left the café when he had the chance.
"Afternoon, Severus," Remus said, looking up and over the edge of his cup. "Fancy meeting you here."
Severus's lip curled into a partial sneer.
"Getting along fine without the mutt, are we? Then again it wasn't as if he could have accompanied you to a place such as this, now could he?"
Remus raised an eyebrow, taking a sip from his tea and making Severus wait for his response. He weighed his words, rolling the tea in his mouth around on his tongue.
"Perhaps, Severus," Remus replied after swallowing. "But maybe I didn't care about dates or anything else I should have cared about where he was concerned."
Snape's face contorted further into a look Remus couldn't quite read. Rather than trying to dissect, he just continued drinking his tea. Better to drink and enjoy his day than have it ruined by the likes of Severus.
"Whatever he did was never good enough for you, Lupin."
Remus slowly lowered his cup to the table, attempting to hide the slightest shake of his hand. There of course was the slight surprise that Severus thought Remus was worth anything as all conversations between them had evidence quite to the contrary. However, he didn't dwell on this notion and instead, his mind went further; back into the past and the café slipped away from him as if it never even existed.
Twenty years worth of a relationship, half of which Remus wasn't even sure could have been considered a relationship, flickered across his vision like an old movie. Between lies and betrayals they never should have stayed together by any stretch of the imagination. Yet they survived those hard times, Remus thought with a smile. Even Azkaban should have ended them but they managed to survive that time too.
They had been stronger than anything life had managed to throw at them. The first kisses; the first time they ever touched each other as more than just friends; the first time Remus laid on his back, Sirius grunting and entering him and filling him and Remus realising that was where he belonged for the first time in his life. It was those precious moments in his life that seemed to outweigh the bad ones; though there were many of them. No relationship ever was perfect and Remus's was far from perfection.
Perhaps that was what had made it so special.
Sirius was no saint, but then again, who was? He had atoned for his sins in Azkaban; which was more than could be said for the majority of the population.
Could Remus have found a better partner? Someone who never hurt him, who never left him for so many years? Remus had asked this question many times the past few months and the answer always came back as a resounding yes. The real question was then if Remus could have found the perfect partner, would he have taken him?
The answer to that question was always no.
"You never gave me an answer, Lupin," Severus said, his lip curling upwards into a wider smirk. "Why does it not surprise me that you don't even have one?"
Remus merely shrugged. He had no answers for himself half of the time; why did he owe Severus the same? "Perhaps," he replied simply. "Perhaps."
Not receiving the reply he wanted, Severus turned on his heel and stormed out of the café, his robes fanning out behind him. He never heard Remus's final words said to his back.
"But it was good enough for me."