[The video feed clicks on. At first, there's nothing to be seen but a fireplace and a purple fur rug. A few seconds later, an enormous black dog walks into the shot.]
If you need let out of your rooms, tell me where you are. I can come and help you. Alright?
Doesn't matter if your doors or locked or whatever else. I'm not flood affected. This is me. I can turn into a dog and I can turn back into myself. At will.
Now, if you tell the Ministry of Magic, we're going to have a bloody problem.
((OOC: Sirius is an
Animagus. He's at least Barge-influenced even if he isn't full-on affected; in dog form, he typically can't verbally speak to other animals, although he can communicate with them. If you aren't an animal, you'll hear barking.))