Jul 07, 2011 18:47
I was going to give a written post a go, but I have completely forgotten how to use a quill. All I managed to do was upset the ink pot.
I have a question for anyone who feels like answering it. If you've already answered it, feel free to ignore. If you could know your future, would you? Keep in mind that your death is included in this future. Your death and various other deaths. If you could include the why for your answer, that would be most helpful.
[Private to Martha]
Hello. I suppose you've heard by now that I'm going to be working for you. I actually have some experience with cuts and such, but it's been several years. Let me know when you want me to begin.
[Private to Wichita]
So...how are you? Hanging in there? Let me know what comes next with our whole...Warden/Inmate thing.
[Private to Mozenrath]
I hope things are still alright with you and your Warden.
((OOC: Someone has discovered the existence of the Harry Potter books. He has the first one in his possession, but so far he hasn't opened it.))