Nov 21, 2011 12:26
again its been a while since I updated my LJ.
But I figured today was a good a time as any!!
Cas is doing well. He's now almost 11 months and weighs 120lbs (roughly).
Our fridge how ever, is not doing so well. This weekend it died. Couldn't contact the super because it was a weekend, so we were panicing about what we were going to do cause we'd JUST gone shopping and JUST got all of Cas's chicken for the week. and we still had a good sized turkey in the freezer.
Thank god for my parents though! They bought us a standing freezer and it'll be delivered wednesday.
Also thank what ever god has decided to be nice to me for Lynda, my friend who also has a deaf dane. She also feeds raw and said she had some space we could store Cas's meat and stuff in. Yesterday I trucked a good cart full of slowly thawing raw meat to my friend Lynda's (who thankfully doesn't live that far!) and stored it in her freezer till we get ours.
WE still had the problem of ALL OF OUR REFRIDGERATOR STUFF slowly going bad because they were just in an insulated white box! Ray went out and got bags of ice for the fridge in hopes of keeping at least some of the stuff (I still had to pitch out most of our produce) from going compleatly off.
Today the super shows up while I'm at school (Tay was still home) and told Tay that he was going to get an electrition in to take a look cause he didn't think the fridge was dead.
Tay has to go to work, and is being taught how to butcher chicken today. Which is a good thing cause she's been begging to learn how to cut since day one! If she called in, she'd most likely never get a chance to learn again. So I had to come home from school (my teachers are awsome like that) to wait for the electrition to show up and entertain the dog.
Electrition shows up about two hours after I get home, does a few breaker flicks and checks the outlets. The one that was by the fridge works now (YES!) as does the one the fridge was plugged into, but that means the fridge is dead. Off he goes to tell the super. About an hour later, just as I got started emptying the fridge, there's a knock. I crate the dog and there's the super! With a new fridge! Okay great! He mutters something about another order for the floor and I show him, while dude two gets the fridge in the flat, where Ray's floor is buckling. He kinda shrugs and heads away, not saying he's going to do anything about it. Me and dude two look at each other as super leaves and he's like "I'll let you finish that and be back to put it in, you can fill it while your waiting!" Whatever, I finish emptying the dead fridge and moving all our magnets and stuff, Then I look at everything and go, "Fuck this! I can move this fridge myself!" I pull out the old fridge, push it away and OH SWEET MOTHER OF CRAP! Floor is NARSTY! Okay! Dump out old fridge water bucket, refill with water and bleach and go to town!
Swept and moppped behind teh fridge, floor is awsome now. Now to get the fridge in! *push push push* Now to...get...the fridge....FUCKING COUNTER!
There's not enough room for the fridge! it gets stuck between where the counter sticks out and that little bit of wall behind the bookcase. >_< NOw I have to wait for dude two to get back to get the fridge in, which means all my frige stuff is sitting on the counter.....
WOuld it be wrong of me to crack open one of the beers (probably WARM beers) now?