Title: In the Shadow of Grimmauld Place
MidnightStargazerPairing: Sirius/Kingsley
Rating: M
Word Count: 44,000
Prompt #: 80
Summary: It's Kingsley's job to track down notorious mass murderer Sirius Black - but upon learning that Sirius is innocent, he joins the Order of the Phoenix and begins conspiring to help him avoid capture. The two men soon become friends, and that friendship slowly develops into something more. However, Sirius still struggles with the lingering effects of his years in Azkaban and longs to be free of his despised childhood home. The world outside is more dangerous than ever. Is there a happy ending waiting for them outside the shadows of Grimmauld Place, or is their new relationship doomed to end in tragedy?
In the Shadow of Grimmauld Place)