SB FEST 2022: Pink Unicorns and Falling Stars (GEN)

Dec 10, 2022 23:39

Title: Pink Unicorns and Falling Stars
Author/Artist: dragondi
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Gen/The Marauders, Minerva McGonagall, and a unicorn
Rating: PG-13/Teen
Warnings: Occasional curse word, alcohol and drug use, and the hallucinations that come from drug use. Mentions of a death.
Word Count: 5,900
Prompt #: # 194: Magical creatures weren't exactly his strong suit, but he was pretty sure unicorns weren't supposed to be pink and fluffy.
Summary: When Sirius learns his favourite uncle is dead, the rest of the Marauders decide to help him in his time of grief. This turns into a hallucinogenic episode in the Forbidden Forest… with a unicorn that may or may not be pink…

(Pink Unicorns and Falling Stars)

type: fic, pairing: gen, rating: pg, author: dragondi, *fest 2022, pairing: none

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