SB FEST 2022: a star that's shining (so bright that I can see you smile) (Sirius, Orion, Gen)

Dec 07, 2022 22:40

Title: a star that's shining (so bright that I can see you smile)
Author/Artist: Evandar
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius Black & Orion Black
Rating: PG-13
Word Count or Art Medium: 1064
Prompt #: 19: What if someone was firmly in little Sirius corner and defended him against Walburga. What would that change?
Summary: Sirius wakes up in hospital, with a man that's almost a stranger by his bedside.

(a star that's shining (so bright that I can see you smile))

type: fic, pairing: gen, character: orion black, rating: pg-13, *fest 2022, author: evandar, pairing: none

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