SB FEST 2022: I Always Underestimate You (Sirius, Lily, Friendship)

Dec 02, 2022 19:57

Title: I Always Underestimate You
Author/Artist: Patriceavril
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius Black & Lily Evans
Rating: Mature
Word Count or Art Medium: ~10,100
Prompt #: 34: sirius and lily hogwarts- and post-hogwarts friendship!
Summary: Sirius dreads working with Lily on the Charms project, but as they spend time together, he decides maybe she’s alright after all. Then all of a sudden she’s stealing his cigarettes and eating his snacks, and somehow she’s become one of his best friends.

(i always underestimate you)

type: fic, pairing: gen, character: lily evans, author: patriceavril, rating: r, *fest 2022

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