HPHalloween: Where, Wolf?

Nov 13, 2022 14:02

Title: Where, Wolf?
Author: enchanted_jae
Gift for: cruisedirector
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Rating: PG
Word count: 200
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: We interrupt this study session for a run in the woods.
Notes: Many thanks to decynthus for looking this one over.


"I'm studying, Sirius. Bugger off."

Sirius sidled up behind Remus and leaned over, resting his chin on Remus' shoulder. "But it's Samhain, and there's only a crescent moon."

"Splendid. Bugger off."

"Mooooooooony, I'm booooored."

Remus groaned and tossed his quill down. He pushed his hair out of his eyes and ended up tangling the brown strands with Sirius' darker hair. He turned his head and glowered. "If I pay attention to you for fifteen minutes will you leave me alone?"

"Fifteen minutes?!" Sirius sputtered. "Make it three hours."

"Three hours?! I'm busy! How about half an hour?"

They argued back and forth and settled on one hour and twelve minutes.

Remus sighed and stood up. "I'll get my cloak."

"I hoped we could wear our fur coats."

"Are you serious? Forget I said that," Remus added when Sirius seemed on the verge of a witty riposte. More like half-witted when it came to Padfoot, he silently amended.

"Very well," said Remus, "but we're only going out for a run and then back here."

Sirius grinned. "Where, wolf?"

"I said back...oh, never mind," said Remus. "Come along. The sooner we go, the sooner I can return to my studies."

type: fic, author: enchanted_jae, rating: pg, character: remus, pairing: sirius/remus

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