PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY: submissions are due on 20th of October - for the SIRIUS BLACK FEST.
On or before Oct 20, please upload your fic on the COLLECTION ON AO3, LINK'S HERE: | If you upload on ao3, please add: “sirius_black_mods” as co-creator.
If you don't know how to do it, just email us the fic.
All submissions fic or art require a header | you need to tell us the title, pairing, wc, etc... about your fic. The header goes on our tumblr, livejournal, and dreamwidth posts | they are the introduction to the fic or art. If you have participated in traditional HP fests - it's pretty basic.
Please use the header provided below: FILL THIS OUT AND WRITE AFTER ""
Word Count or Art Medium:
Prompt #:
Content/Spoiler: Highlight to read *ADD TEXT HERE*
Disclaimer: Harry Potter characters are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No profit is being made, and no copyright infringement is intended.
It's requested that when you send a submission, the SUBJECT LINE of your email is: SUBMISSION, FIC, PROMPT #, USER NAME
SO it'd be: "Submission, Fic, Prompt 44, author5858"
The fest is not anonymous. Posting begins on 3rd November. DUE DATE IS OCTOBER 20. We will organize the fest and will begin posting one or two stories/art every day from November 3 to November 23.
If you have questions, please email us at: