Sirius Black Fest 2017: "tu me manques"

Nov 07, 2017 08:46

Title: tu me manques
Author: crazyparakiss
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius/Regulus
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 2,750 +/-
Prompt #: 14: "Show me a hero, and I'll write you a tragedy." -F. Scott Fitzgerald
Warnings: Highlight to read *Incest, talk of sex with Regulus when he’s 12 and Sirius is 14 (not too explicit), a bit of dubious consent that leans heavily towards non-con, canonical deaths and semi-canonical*
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of these characters or things, hell I don’t own my car yet.
A/N: Probably the only canon compliant-ish thing I will ever write.
Summary: Sirius knows what it is to die, yet keep breathing, he’s been dead for years.

(tu me manques)

pairing: sirius/regulus, *fest 2017, warning: incest, rating: nc-17

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