Sirius Black Fest 2017: "The Kind of World Where We Belong"

Nov 05, 2017 15:17

Title: The Kind of World Where We Belong
Author: shaggydogstail
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius Black/Lily Evans, Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 21K words
Prompt #: 19: Under pressure from Voldemort the ministry passes a law stating all 16 year old muggleborns must be married to purebloods or be expelled from the wizarding world. Determined to take on the Ministry Lily takes a gamble and asks for the hand in marriage of a young rebel willing to take on the world, Sirius Black.
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit
A/N: I took some significant liberties with the prompt, I’m afraid - I couldn’t figure out a way to make Voldemort care about marriage, so the bad guys here are Ministry bureaucrats. Still, I hope this is in the spirit of the prompt, even if I’ve tweaked the details a bit.

Many thanks to chocolatepot for the beta job. Any remaining errors are mine.

Summary: A teen elopement to defy the new Decree for the Protection of Wizarding Purity seemed like a great prank at the Ministry’s expense. But Sirius and Lily might both have reason to wonder if the joke’s really on them.

(The Kind of World Where We Belong)

warning: alternate universe, *fest 2017, pairing: sirius/lily, warning: fake marriage, rating: nc-17

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