2016 Sirius Black Fest Claiming Post

Aug 30, 2016 13:01

Make your claim by pasting the claim template below into a comment on this post.

Comments are screened so you will remain anonymous. Each prompt may be claimed up to 3 times. We ask that participants only claim one prompt at a time. You may claim another prompt after your first piece is completed and submitted to us.

Don't feel obligated to adhere strictly to every specific plot detail, like, and dislike in a prompt. This is not a gift exchange where you are tailor-making a fic or artwork for another person. Have fun with your prompt!

Please remember:

This fest is anonymous. Please do not post your fest piece anywhere until after reveals.
See the Rules & FAQ for full details on the fest.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to give us a poke at: padfoot.mod@gmail.com!

To claim a prompt, please use the following template to paste into your comment:

Prompt # Chosen:
Fic or Art?:

Pairing(s)/Characters: Hermione/Sirius
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Hermione tries to teach Sirius obedience and discipline. He is a challenging student.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Scheduled routine spankings for disciplinary purposes. Cunnelingus training. Kneeling. Polite speech and manners training. Orgasm denial and cock cages. House servant training. Obedience training.
Dislikes: N/a

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Hermione
For Fic/Art/Either: ANY
Prompt: AU where Hermione uses an "older man" to make her ex jealous and ends up falling for him.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): PG-13
Likes: Jealousy, pining, sexy Sirius, AU - can be magic or non magic
Dislikes: bdsm, death, mcd, infidelity

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Bellatrix, side Bellatrix/Rodolphus
For Fic/Art/Either: fic
Prompt: She was like a siren who drew him and made him drown in hate.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC17
Likes: dark, snark, hate sex, dub-con (can be non-con if you want),
Dislikes: anything too fluffy, romance like. I don't see Sirius/Bellatrix as that kind of pairing.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Hermione/Sirius, Lily/Sirius
For Fic/Art/Either: fic
Prompt: I believe my heart
and it believes in you
It's telling me that what I see
Is completely true
And with all my soul
I believe my heart
the portrait that it paints of you
Is a perfect work of art
I Believe my Heart - Duncan James and Keedie
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC17
Likes: fluff, romance. Finally finding your other half. HEA.
Dislikes: extreme kinks e.g. blood/breath play, no non-com for this one please. modern AU's

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Hermione, Sirius/Lily, Sirius/Ginny
For Fic/Art/Either: fic
Prompt: Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place
and have a drink or two
And then I go and spoil it all
by saying something stupid like I love you
Somethin' Stupid - Frank and Nancy Sinatra
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC17
Likes: fluff, romance, banter, wall sex, the morning after.
Dislikes: extreme kinks e.g. blood/breath play. no non-con for this one please and no modern AU's

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius and a MWPP-era female
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: He knew of her at Hogwarts, but now he's got to seduce her for information - longterm - to help the Order. But for the bold Gryffindor who lives his life to the fullest, playing games is hard, and he doesn't know what to do as this gets more dangerous for them both and his heart gets more tangled in the web of lies and deceit. Can be with a good or bad character, just someone who isn't in the Order when the espionage/courting starts to go down.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: Clever banter, sexual tension, passion, romance, genuine feelings
Dislikes: if you go for shmexy times (totally not required for this fic, but I certainly won't complain), then no dub/non-con, bondage, bloodplay, cliche dirty talk

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Lily
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: She happens across him having sex and can't look away.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): R or NC-17
Likes: Sirius knows she's there and watches her, watching him.
Dislikes: dark fic, creature fic, time-travel fic, fluff/crack fic

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Lily
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: She's not dating James, but she is jealous when she hears he lost his virginity recently to Marlene. Sirius happens across her when she's upset about it.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): PG, PG-13, R, or NC-17
Likes: Can be a gen fic (friendship only) or they could end up having sex - whatever you want.
Dislikes: dark fic, creature fic, time-travel fic, crack fic

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Marlene
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: She fooled them all and pretended to die in the first war. Years after Voldemort is killed by the Potter boy, she reappears in Sirius' life.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): PG-15, R, or NC-17
Likes: A/U - Sirius never died.
Dislikes: creature fic, fluff/crack/comedy fic, dark fic

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Andromeda
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Andromeda had always been his favorite cousin. She was his inspiration. And then she was gone, driven out, and Sirius understood that blood didn't always equate to love.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: Innocence lost.
Dislikes: creature fic, fluff/crack/comedy fic, dark fic

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Rosmerta
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Five times Sirius hits on Rosmerta and fails spectacularly and one time he succeeds OR one time she hits on him
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Ridiculous pick-up lines; humor; amused, sassy, confident Rosmerta who knows when and how she likes to have a good time.
Dislikes: Non-con/dub-con

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/female of Trio gen
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: It doesn't take her long to see the similarities between the Michael Hutchence poster in her old childhood bedroom and the man who writes in the flat a few floors above.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: UST, snark, music geekage
Dislikes: for this prompt -- hardcore BDSM/kinks, prewar, chan

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Hermione
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: He loves to fly on his bike, she… doesn't. How does he get her to change her mind?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: Hermione in her mid-20s or later
Dislikes: dub-con/non-con, underage anyone

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Hermione
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Unspeakable Granger has to keep a lot of secrets from her friends and family. It's the job. What does she do when she's partnered with Unspeakable Black?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: Hermione in her mid-20s or later
Dislikes: dub-con/non-con, underage anyone

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Harry
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: After the end of the war, Harry finds out that Sirius is still alive and living in California. He's forced to come to terms with his feelings for him. ALL of his feelings.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Up to you
Likes: Don't let what I like overshadow your creativity. Go crazy.
Dislikes: Pretty much nothin'!

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/James
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: As he falls through the veil, Sirius flashes back to his memories of the man he always loved the best.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Up to you
Likes: Don't let what I like overshadow your creativity. Go crazy.
Dislikes: Pretty much nothin'!

Pairing(s)/Characters: James/Sirius
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: They both prefer women, but there's nothing wrong with a little drunken experimentation.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Up to you if James is involved with Lily yet or if the drunken fumbling is a first time/one time thing or a habit.
Dislikes: rape/non-con, mpreg

Pairing(s)/Characters: Harry/Sirius
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: When he said Harry could live with him, he expected he'd show a modicum of decency. Instead he gets to listen to him beg for it every night from some new stranger. He's only upset because he hasn't been able to sleep in weeks. Definitely not because he wishes it was him doing the fucking.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Harry with a hopeless crush that he's been trying to fuck out of his system, rough sex, possessiveness
Dislikes: infidelity, rape/non-con, mpreg

Pairing(s)/Characters: Harry/Sirius
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: When Harry has a bad dream he asks to sleep with his Godfather. Waking up from a sexy dream curled around Harry, he momentarily mistakes him for James and, thinking he is still dreaming, starts rubbing against him. He eventually realizes his mistake, but before he can stop and freakout, Harry speaks up and asks him to keep going.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: I like for this to take place during OotP sometime, during the summer before or over Christmas break maybe? virgin!harry, past sirius/james (before lily or maybe just unrequited)
Dislikes: back from the veil sirius, feminized characters, for this prompt: bottom sirius

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius Black/Draco Malfoy
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: BDSM Relationship, Dom!sirius, Sub!Draco
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC 17
Likes: aftercare, pet play, safe, sane and consensual
Dislikes: character death, watersports, scat, overt angst

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Harry
For Fic/Art/Either: ANY
Prompt: Forced Bed Sharing
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): ANY
Likes: Anything not in the dislike list.
Dislikes: Hardcore bdsm, infidelity, MCD, fluff

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Draco (Past Sirius/Regulus)
For Fic/Art/Either: ANY
Prompt: AU. Sirius finds out that Draco Malfoy has the Dark Mark and now he can't help but feel like he needs to step in and do something. It's like Regulus all over again.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): ANY
Likes: Anything not in the dislike list.
Dislikes: Hardcore bdsm, infidelity, MCD, fluff

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Harry
For Fic/Art/Either: ANY
Prompt: Harry walks into Sirius getting a sexual favour from another man (you decide - anyone but Remus). Now he can’t stop thinking about Sirius like that.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): ANY
Likes: Anything not in the dislike list.
Dislikes: Hardcore bdsm, infidelity, MCD, fluff

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Teddy
For Fic/Art/Either: ANY
Prompt: Time Travel
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): ANY
Likes: Anything not in the dislike list.
Dislikes: Hardcore bdsm, infidelity, MCD, fluff

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Charlie
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Sex on the motorbike had been difficult to manage, but sex on a dragon's back?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Erm, smut?
Dislikes: Death, bestiality

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Severus
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: OotP - Sirius is still trapped in Grimmauld Place and decides to do some cleaning on his own (extreme boredom?). Unfortunately he triggers a Dark Spell that finds him bound with his arse in the air and unable to escape. Who stumbles in just then looking for some other member of the Order and finds Sirius in his predicament? Why, Severus Snape of course.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: dirty talk, dub-con, teasing until Sirius gets hard, dirty dirty sex
Dislikes: n/a

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Remus
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Hogwarts aged - Remus is prefect or head boy, and he teasingly threatens Sirius that if he catches him doing something dangerous again he will administer a spanking. However, Sirius can't stay in line for long, so does Remus stay true to his word? Did Sirius ever expect him to? What happens when Remus does catch Sirius breaking the rules again?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: spanking, light humiliation, dirty talk, role play, I would rather them not be in an established relationship (yet?) but if your muse takes you there then that is fine too
Dislikes: n/a

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Harry
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: OotP- Sirius catches Harry doing something extremely dangerous, so he decides to spank him.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Nc-17
Likes: Guilt and hotness, dubcon
Dislikes: N/a

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Severus
For Fic/Art/Either: Art
Prompt: After his first meeting back with Voldemort, Severus means to Apparate back to Hogsmeade, but misses and lands in the caves nearby. Sirius finds and cares for him.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Hurt/comfort, angst
Dislikes: Death

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Remus
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Only two people know what goes on under the table at Order meetings.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Half of the party being mortified, or maybe it's an ongoing challenge between them to keep a poker face. Nearly being caught.
Dislikes: Anyone else trying to get in on the action.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Severus
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: The other Order members get tired of breaking the two of them apart after every single meeting. One night, they decide to just leave them to it.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: dare/challenge, neither wanting to back down, trying not to admit they like it, Sirius being the initiator, complicated and confusing feelings
Dislikes: cliched hate sex

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Severus
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Both live. Harry wants both of them in his life and the lives of his children. Suffering for Harry's sake turns to more.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17, obviously lower is fine if it suits
Likes: getting to know each other, still have their flaws, still rile each other up occasionally.
Dislikes: sugar-coated either of them

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Harry
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Sirius is fed up of Harry's disrespectful attitude, it's time to teach him a lesson.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: spanking, D/s, ER or not, inexperienced Harry, dub-con, Sirius lives AU
Dislikes: non-con, chan

Pairing(s)/Characters: James/Sirius
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Their game of gay-chicken gets a little out of hand.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Always pushing/challenging each other, refusing to back down, clumsy fumblings, one being more emotionally invested than the other and hiding it.
Dislikes: Teenagers being surprisingly skillful with regards to sex etc.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius Black / Ron Weasley
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Sirius knows it's wrong to want his godson's ginger best friend, for so many reasons - but being wrong had never stopped him before
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Angst, bubbling lust, bi-curious!Ron. Ron can be 15/16 but no younger, please.
Dislikes: Scat, daddy kink.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius Black / Ron Weasley
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Post-war, Sirius lived. Between them, they have to prop Harry up when he collapses after the end of the Battle. Sitting up at 3am on suicide watch gives them ample time to get to know one another, and they're both surprised with what they find.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Angst, fluff, humour in the face of desperately sad times. Maybe an "I LOVE HIM MORE" argument at some point re: Harry.
Dislikes: Scat

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius Black / Remus Lupin
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Sirius has had enough. He loves Remus. He just needs to show him how much.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Seventh year. OverlyRomantic!Sirius. Self-deprecating Remus. Strong love.
Dislikes: Scat

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius Black / Arthur Weasley
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: It's been a long time and he's lonely. Suddenly there's a lovely, kind man in his house, and Sirius has always been partial to lovely, kind men (past Sirius/Remus welcome).
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Fluff, angst. Repressed!Arthur would be fantastic, or even an Arthur who has a bisexual past but hasn't been with a man since committing to Molly.
Dislikes: Scat, Molly bashing.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Charlie/Sirius
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: During Christmas break in OotP, Charlie comes back from Romania and stays with the Weasley's in Grimmauld Place while Arthur recovers. After months of being cooped up inside the musty old house with nothing but his right hand, Charlie's flirting is more than welcome.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: casual sex, sneaking around, I'd love a more dominant Sirius for this one, but not a requirement!
Dislikes: romance/deep feelings, rape/non-con, mpreg

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Severus
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Wizarding weddings stick to the old definitions of the roles of marriage, so when Sirius's fiancee doesn't show up to their wedding, he has to marry the best man: Severus Snape. Will Sirius be willing to give Severus up when his ex-fiancee shows up again?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Misunderstandings, pining!Severus
Dislikes: Death, unhappy ending

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Sirius loves and hates the sea.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: Remus/Sirius
For Fic/Art/Either: either, but fic preferred
Prompt: nudity! whether gratuitous, accidental, incidental, or achieved by way of a prank. There may be embarrassment (or not) but at least one character is definitely enjoying the view
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): anything all the way up to NC-17
Likes: humour, fun & games, happy couples, get-together fics, smut
Dislikes: overly meek Remus, non magical AUs (sorry!), BDSM

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Severus
For Fic/Art/Either: Art probably, but if you think you can swing a fic and make it slashy, then go for it!
Prompt: Severus showing Sirius his Dark Mark in the hospital wing during GoF.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Any
Likes: Tension
Dislikes: None

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Draco
For Fic/Art/Either: fic
Prompt: au Sirius lives draco finds peace with him after the dark lord held him hostage
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): nc17
Likes: sex ,angst
Dislikes: none

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Neville
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: when Neville enlist someone to help him with magic he never thought it would be harrys god father or that spending so much time would end up with Neville having a major crush
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): nc_17
Likes: angst .happy endings sex

Pairing(s)/Characters: /ron
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: ron is staying at the order and feels alone he tries to whoo Sirius
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): nc 17
Likes: sex

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Rodolphus, side bellatrix/rodolphus
For Fic/Art/Either: fic
Prompt: Rodolphus only married Bellatrix because he couldn't have the Black that he really wanted
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: secret relationship, pining, wall sex, would love to see Rodolphus think about Sirius whilst having sex with bella, or saying Sirius' name a
Dislikes: any extreme kinks, modern au's, non-con,

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Antonin Dolohov
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: A dark Beltaine or Samhain ritual involving pure-blood families
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): R or NC-17
Likes: Innocence lost. Dolohov is 20, Sirius 16.
Dislikes: creature fic, fluff/crack/comedy fic, time-travel fic

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Rabastan Lestrange
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: A heated Quidditch rivalry between Sirius (Gryffindor team) and Rabastan (Slytherin team) leads to an altercation that forever changes both of them.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): PG-13, PG-15, R, or NC-17
Likes: A/U - no Voldemort ever. Rabastan is same age as Sirius. Suggestions -- a new friendship forms, first time sex, or creature mating fic.
Dislikes: time-travel fic, self-harm, suicide

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Snape
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: What if Sirius had become best friends with Severus instead of James?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: Head canon or A/U - either is fine.
Dislikes: time-travel fic, creature fic, fluff/crack fic, extreme OOC (keep characters as close to canon personalities as possible)

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Remus
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Slytherin-Sirius picks on Remus Lupin.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: A/U obviously. Sirius can be cruel for the sake of being cruel, or because he secretly wants Remus, but is conflicted by those feelings and reacts badly
Dislikes: time-travel fic, fluff/crack fic, torture

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Kingsley
For Fic/Art/Either: Any
Prompt: Sirius needs protection and Kingsley like to protect *wink wink*
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): ANY
Likes: anything not in dislikes
Dislikes: hardcore bdsm, non-con, death, infidelity. D/s, bloodplay, scat

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Blaise Zabini
For Fic/Art/Either: ANY
Prompt: AU - Sirius lives. Harry/Draco side pairing. Sirius has to put up with Malfoy, and that's ALREADY enough, but he's got an equally annoying and mouthy best friend. Sirius has been resisting putting that boy in his place.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): ANY
Likes: anything not in dislikes
Dislikes: hardcore bdsm, non-con, death, infidelity. D/s, bloodplay, scat

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Severus
For Fic/Art/Either: Any
Prompt: WAR-AU / Sirius Lives AU: They both have their own theory of how to protect Harry. More often than not they just end up arguing and not paying attention to what Harry's doing.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): ANY
Likes: anything not in dislikes
Dislikes: Harry/Ginny or Harry/any female. hardcore bdsm, non-con, death, infidelity. D/s, bloodplay, scat

Pairing(s)/Characters: Charlie/Sirius
For Fic/Art/Either:
Prompt: Nobody knows that Sirius spent the last year on the run in Romania. Nobody knows that Charlie sneaks away from the Tournament at Hogwarts, heading for the caves in the mountains.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: friends with benefits, blowing off steam, rough sex
Dislikes: romance between these two

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Harry
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Sirius is in his seventh year or has just graduated, when a mysterious figure claiming to be a long-lost relative of James' turns up
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Smitten!Harry, trying to be cool but is actually also smitten!Sirius
Dislikes: Crack!fic, character death, unhappy ending

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/James
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Sirius has always been attracted to his best friend, but respected that James was straight and in love with Lily. Then the night before James' wedding he confesses that he's bisexual and wants to know what it's like with a man before he marries
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: I'd love if Lily knew and supported James in this, but infidelity is fine if you'd rather
Dislikes: Crack!fic, character death, unhappy ending

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Harry
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: After the war Harry and Sirius move in together. One day Sirius catches Harry wanking--only Harry has his hands tied together. Harry confesses his curiosity about being tied up, and Sirius is more than happy to help
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Sirius lives!AU, light/playful D/s exploration
Dislikes: Crack!fic, character death, unhappy ending

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Severus
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Post-war. One glance at the dishevelled and disdainful man is all it takes.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17.
Likes: postwar politics, angst for both characters, emphasis on emotional potholes with a side of UST.
Dislikes: for this prompt - noncon, dubcon, heavy on the smut/kink.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Remus
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: After escaping with Buckbeak, Sirius went into hiding, not even telling Remus where he was. How did Remus track him down and what was their reunion like?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC17
Likes: Pretty much anything, would prefer happy ending.
Dislikes: Non-con/dub-con, daddy kink

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Remus or Sirius/Snape
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Unbeknownst to anyone, young Sirius tried to make it big in modeling/acting/??? back in the late 1970s. How does his current partner react when they find his box of old head shots?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: sharp, snappy dialogue, humour
Dislikes: dub-con/non-con, underage anyone

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Snape or Sirius/Lupin
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Sirius spends Galleons like a Black, and his partner doesn't. What are they arguing over this time, and how do they settle the argument?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: sharp, snappy dialogue and humour
Dislikes: dub-con/non-con

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Harry/Draco
For Fic/Art/Either: ANY
Prompt: Fuck Or Die
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): ANY
Likes: Anything not in the dislike list.
Dislikes: Hardcore bdsm, infidelity, MCD, fluff

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Harry/Draco
For Fic/Art/Either: ANY
Prompt: When he walks in on his godson and cousin having sex, Sirius is weirded out by it. They all think b/c it's awkward for obvious reasons. Instead, Sirius just really wanted to join in.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): ANY
Likes: Anything not in the dislike list.
Dislikes: Hardcore bdsm, infidelity, MCD, fluff

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius Black / Charlie Weasley / Bill Weasley
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: When he first sees them together at an Order meeting, he's struck by their closeness. Then after Arthur's attack in the Ministry, he finds them comforting one another in a wholly too private way. He retreats back to his room and completely loses himself in the memories of what he's seen. He's never been one for hiding his feelings, however, and he finds it increasingly hard to keep his hands off the pair of them. How that ends up is up to you.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Real intimacy between the two brothers and obsession to infatuation levels from Sirius. Keep the brothers humorous but serious about each other.
Dislikes: Scat

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius Black / Fred Weasley / George Weasley
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: The twins decide they want a Sirius sandwich. He's only happy to oblige.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Twincest also welcome. Humour. If everyone's drunk that might help.
Dislikes: Scat

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius Black / Remus Lupin / Ron Weasley
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Ron wants to join the OOTP. In secret, if need be, and he asks Sirius for help. However, there's a part of initiation nobody told him about - told any of his generation about. And Sirius is suddenly faced with the choice of giving Ron what he wants, and being a grown adult and refusing. As usual in such matters, he has to defer to Remus for guidance.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Real ritualistic sex, cloak and dagger style initiation. Blindfolds. Bondage. go filthy (for no reason other than you can, but please, you're welcome to add a plot/reasons if you want.) Ron could be 16, perhaps Easter Holidays of OOTP? Or the summer before, but then he'd be 15... whatever you're comfortable with.
Dislikes: Scat

Pairing(s)/Characters: any slash threesome
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Sirius in an age play threesome situation with mummy/daddy/child roles.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Blaise Zabini/Theodore Nott
For Fic/Art/Either: ANY
Prompt: AU-SIRIUS LIVES. Now that Harry and Malfoy are dating, the closest people to them are feeling a bit left out. (Blaise and Nott scheme together to seduce Sirius)
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): ANY
Likes: anything not in dislikes
Dislikes: hardcore bdsm, non-con, death, infidelity. D/s, bloodplay, scat

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/James/Lily
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Sirius has always been in love with James, and once he gets over his jealousy he realises he might have a thing for Lily too
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Equal polyamory (meaning both slash and het)
Dislikes: Crack!fic, character death, unhappy ending

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Remus/James
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Dormitory threesome
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Seventh year
Dislikes: Crack!fic, character death, unhappy ending

all other prompts - gen / open to interpretation / multiple choice / "any"
Pairing(s)/Characters: past Sirius/Regulus (if you want to roll that way), Sirius/current partner of your choice
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Sirius attempts to explain his relationship with Regulus to his current partner
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Up to you
Likes: Don't let what I like overshadow your creativity. Go crazy.
Dislikes: Pretty much nothin'!

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, Regulus
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: When Sirius runs away from home and goes to live with the Potters, he takes Regulus with him. I would just really like a fix-it for my sad Sirius Regulus feels : (
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Any
Likes: brotherly love

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius Black, Severus Snape
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: After Sirius and Snape have their showdown at Grimmauld Place, Sirius decides to follow Snape when he's summoned one evening to a Death Eater meeting. (How Sirius manages to go after someone who Apparates is up to you.) He tracks down the meeting place while in his Animagus form, and what he sees there changes his perception of Snape.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Your choice
Likes: Both of them are arseholes and both of them are, even if only in some small way, sympathetic.
Dislikes: Being too partisan toward either bloke.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius Black, Severus Snape
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: By accident or because they believe it would be a huge lark, the Marauders learn Snape's Muggle address from Lily, and Sirius is sent to harass him. He finds Snape working in a low-wage job, sporting bruises after a bad go-round with his da. Afterwards, he reports back to his friends.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Whatever seems appropriate
Likes: Unexpected reactions on both sides, partly caused by the underage restrictions on magic use. Sirius being seen as an arrogant and/or clueless toff by Snape's customers or colleagues because he's that bad at passing as a Muggle. Sirius' motorbike. Humor!
Dislikes: Phonetic accents. Snape being pitiful.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, open
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Sirius learns how and why Regulus died. Up to you what age Sirius is (pre- or post-Azkaban), and whether someone tells him or he finds a letter from his brother.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Probably less explicit
Likes: Flashback or reminiscence
Dislikes: None I can think of

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, Severus
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: SiriusLives!AU. Like everyone else, Sirius hears Harry tell Voldemort that Snape was always Dumbledore's man. Once he gets the whole story, Sirius goes to confront Snape. Your choice whether he visits Snape's grave, visits alive!Snape in the infirmary, or goes to Spinner's End (or maybe Azkaban) after Snape has recovered.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Your choice
Likes: Snark, distrust, UST, both characters being worn out by their experiences (or in Snape's case, possibly dead). If they're both alive, a chance to lay their ghosts to rest (i.e., James, Lily, and Remus for Sirius, Lily and Dumbledore for Snape)
Dislikes: Sentimentality

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Sirius is a Hufflepuff.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Sirius' secret kink is pushing his partner so far that they have to use their safeword.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Medieval AU with knights and shady sorcerers.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: They are in love but the sex is atrocious. Both had great sex with previous partners, but together they can't seem to click.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: AU with Sirius as a Robin Hood like figure.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: AU in which Sirius never went to Azkaban, so he had plenty of time to accumulate a small army of illegitimate children. Now they're coming for him!
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: both female and male pregnancies are fine

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Sirius is allowed to come back from behind the veil. But he is only allowed to return in his dog form.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: chubby!Sirius
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any between the characters mentioned below
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Sirius is in love with James. James is in love with Lily and Remus. Remus is in love with Sirius. It's a mess.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Sirius is getting a divorce.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Sirius always thought he would love James and Lily's child as if it was his own, but when Harry finally arrives, he can't bring himself to care.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Sirius has fucked many of his numerous cousins. Keeping it in the family is the Black way after all.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Space pirate!Black invades a new territory.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius and anyone
For Fic/Art/Either: either, but fic preferred
Prompt: black and gold
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17):anything all the way up to NC-17
Likes: humour, fun & games, playful friendship/courtship/relationship, smut
Dislikes: non magical AUs (sorry!), texting/social media based fics, coffee shop fics, BDSM

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, Dean Thomas (so I suppose that would be Sirius/Dean Thomas's mum)
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Sirius Black fathered one son as a young man, with a Muggle woman who never knew what happened to the man who disappeared from her life. She never knew why her son had such tremendous and peculiar abilities, either.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): R
Likes: family relationships, discovery of magic, Sirius lives!
Dislikes: non-con, dub-con

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius Black, Teddy Lupin, some Harry
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Some Unspeakable manages to pull Sirius Black back from behind the veil, and he's brought out as his younger self a la the scene in the Forbidden Forest with the Resurrection Stone, putting him as a contemporary of his other best friend's son, Teddy Lupin. This can be a fic chronicling this reappearance, or exploring what happens immediately after, or a year or two after. Maybe Teddy is getting ready to propose to Victoire, etc, and Sirius is watching a friend commit to matrimony again. I'm just intrigued by this idea. Would also be interesting to see how it would affect Harry - and how much fun Sirius would probably have making fun of Harry being "an old man."
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): PG-13
Likes: Mischief, adventures, PLATONIC BEST FRIENDSHIP.
Dislikes: No slash/smexy times between these two, I think it would just straight up be fun to see some sort of friendship.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, James, Peter, Remus, Lily, first-war members of the Order, etc
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Mostly gen, but if you want to add an element of romance between Sirius and Dorcas or Marlene, that's fine. Let's see some of what Sirius was doing for the Order between when he left Hogwarts and the night the Potters were murdered. Adventure, danger, intrigue, humor because they're the Marauders.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: espionage? They're in a badass underground movement trying to take down Voldemort
Dislikes: Angst to be angsty. Lame-ass Peter Pettigrew. He was definitely not the number one Marauder, but he was still a Marauder, and some kind of master manipulator to have Sirius and James think it was best to make him the Secret Keeper in the end, so I refuse to believe he was just some fanboy/doormat of a friend. Don't make Lily a bitch. She's feisty, but Sirius and Lily hating each other because of some sort of rivalry for James's attention is meh in my book.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius and friends
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Sirius orders a brand new flying motor bike. During the week leading up to its arrival, his friends all vie for who gets to take it out for a spin with him first. Everyone tries to one up everyone else's bribes. Who will win? (Make it as silly/ridiculous or as down and dirty as you like!)
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Dislikes: n/a

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, Alastor Moody
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Voldemort's first rise to power. Dumbledore has brought the hotheaded and rash Sirius Black into the Order of the Phoenix, and Alastor Moody does not trust the young Black yet.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: Intrigue and missions during the war

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, Harry/Hermione.
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic.
Prompt: After HHr rescues Sirius he decides to repay them by 'kidnapping' Harry from his relatives and inviting the Granger's to one of the Black Family country estates to teach them about the wizarding world. He also gives Harry private lessons on the Potter and Black families, as well as other things he should've known.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Any.
Likes: Intelligent/independent Harry, but not super!Harry. A Sirius who has been forced to become more mature, but still likes to have fun. No glossing over the horrible side effects of both Azkaban and Harry's upbringing. Manipulative Dumbledore as the reason for both Sirius' imprisonment and Harry getting stuck with the Dursley's. *All* the Weasley's using Harry for his money and/or fame, and HHr distancing themselves from them.
Dislikes: Any of the following people suddenly turning into 'good' people: Snape/Death Eaters, Slytherin, The Malfoy's, Fudge, Skeeter, etc.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius Black, Amelia Bones, Harry Potter.
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic.
Prompt: When Sirius fell through the Veil he didn't die, instead he went back in time to a year or two before Harry received his first acceptance letter to Hogwarts. Knowing what will happen, and suspecting what his godson is going through at the Dursley's, he goes straight to Madam Bones and pleads his case. The result is that he gets custody of Harry and spends the next few years trying to cram in everything he should've learned into the little time they have before he goes to Hogwarts. Fun is also had, of course.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Any.
Likes: Sirius taking his responsibilities seriously (no pun intended), Harry unlearning all the bad habits he had to learn while living with his aunt, and Harry continuing his muggle education while Sirius tries to understand the muggle world. Sirius doing his best to correct all the misinformation about Harry, and trying to stop the books about him.
Dislikes: Sirius already knowing all he needs to know about the muggle world. Yes, I'm sure Lily told him some things, but the world changed a lot between 1981 and, say, 1989. Good Dumbledore/Snape/Death Eaters. Sirius randomly taking Andromeda and Tonks into the Black family again; Tonks, at least, had to know about some of the abuse Harry went through and she did nothing to stop it. Sirius having a child/children, or getting married.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Lily and/or Sirius/James
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: When James finally gets up the nerve to ask Lily out, Sirius' jealousy takes him to a dark place.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): R or NC-17
Likes: You can have Sirius do something to both James & Lily, or just one of them.
Dislikes: creature fic, time-travel fic, fluff/crack/comedy fic

Pairing(s)/Characters: Any
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Sirius makes a huge, fancy, romantic, gourmet dinner for someone. Cue a wild mess, inedible food, and general calamity.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Humor, Sirius not realizing how awful his cooking is and proudly attempting to serve some of it
Dislikes: n/a

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius and friends
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Sirius attempts to grow facial hair (either while at Hogwarts or shortly thereafter) and it's a patchy, hilarious failure but he's SO proud of it. How do his friends react? Mock him mercilessly? Lie to make him feel better? Slip him a hair growing tonic? Go wild.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): R
Likes: humor, creative insults, sarcasm, inclusion of some female friends (Lily, Marlene, Alice?)
Dislikes: n/a

Pairing(s)/Characters:sirius, james
For Fic/Art/Either:fic
Prompt: at christmas in their first year sirius decides to stay at school and it hits james that all the mentions of his family were no joke. he feels guilty for laughing it off and all but flaunting his own good life in front of sirius.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17):pa-13 max given they are 11
Likes:sympathetic james
Dislikes:cocky sirius.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, someone from the Trio Era (major or minor character)
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Sirius comes across someone who has travelled back in time - could be on purpose or on accident - who knows way too much about "the past," or Sirius's present, and "the future." If you include Peter or have the time traveler meet Peter, time traveler can't just derail things by telling them Peter will betray them all.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Any
Likes: Witty banter, sexual tension
Dislikes: Sirius/Hermione or Sirius slash - I just feel like there's hundreds of fics out there that already have that. Lame-ass Peter - he WAS one of their four best friends, so if you have him as part of the fic, give him a backbone so it's that much worse to know that he's going to betray them all eventually.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, open
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: Sirius is teaching himself to play Muggle electric guitar (your choice whether this is Marauders era or post-Azkaban). His friends and detractors are encouraging or withering according to their means.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Up to you
Likes: Humor
Dislikes: Rock star!Sirius

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, open
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Sirius mysteriously returns from beyond the Veil, but he's regressed to the age of 18 and doesn't remember much of anything past his last year at Hogwarts. How does he handle this brave new world where James, Lily, and Regulus are dead, Lupin is seeing Tonks, Snape is on their side, and everyone is so much older than he is?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Go wild
Likes: Angst, second chances, traumatized but defiant Sirius, character study
Dislikes: Sirius/Harry

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Sirius is haunting Grimmauld Place.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: The Veil does not lead to death.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Droit du seigneur
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Siriusly in love.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: at the beach
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: Burn The Witch by Radiohead
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yI2oS2hoL0k [link leads to music video]
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: any
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: arranged marriage
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Pairing(s)/Characters: Hermione Granger/Theodore Nott, Sirius Black, the Malfoys, Potter & the Weasleys
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Sirius Black is reunited with his long lost daughter Hermione Granger. He struggles to come to terms with his place in her adult life.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): T
Likes: ProtectiveFather!Sirius (scaring away unsuitable suitors)
Dislikes: slash

Pairing(s)/Characters: Hermione/James Potter OR Hermione/Lucius Malfoy, the Blacks
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic.
Prompt: AU. Hermione is Sirius' twin. She's either been kidnapped and sent to the future, or she's somehow changed the course of history through some Unspeakable Ministry Experiment gone wrong. Now she is stuck in the past and dealing with Voldemort again, while dealing with suitors interested in the Blacks and an overprotective (promiscuous) brother (who won't let anyone touch her).
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): T
Dislikes: slash

Pairing(s)/Characters: All Black siblings
For Fic/Art/Either: Art
Prompt: A blunt and honest family portrait
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Anything
Likes: NA for this prompt
Dislikes: NA for this prompt

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius centric
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: coming to terms with The Veil.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): R.
Likes: Regulus, inner musings, inner conflict
Dislikes: sunshine & roses for this prompt.

Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, James's parents
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: What really happened to Sirius the evening he decided to leave the Blacks? How did the Potters come to see him as a second son?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes: good fathering from a non-biological parent, a caring mum
Dislikes: dub-con/non-con, graphic violence

Wild Card: Use Your Own Prompt

*fest 2016, *mod post, *claiming post

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