Birthday Drabble Game

Nov 08, 2015 22:26

Birthday Drabble/Drawble Game.
Title: Sheer Determination
Author: llaeyro
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius/Remus
Rating: PG
Word count: 200
Summary: After twelve years, he’s finally out...
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: The characters and the universe belong to Rowling, I do this for fun and don’t make a single knut.
A/N: Thanks to Pendecardiel for the quick beta.

The rat is alive.

Sirius reminded himself, as he lay on his side, starved and exhausted on the shore of an unknown country.

Too far.

He knew that didn’t even cover how hopeless this situation was. He focused on the blissful ignorance of his doggy brain.

The rat is at Hogwarts. Harry is at Hogwarts.

Chest still labouring, he opened his eyes. He winced at the bright light and dried flakes of salt falling from his lashes. He raised his head. It felt heavy.

Protect the boy.

Slowly, he rolled into an upright laying position, muzzle resting wearily on his fore-paws.

Don’t let James down again.

He pushed his weight back onto his haunches, sitting up shakily.

Find Remus. Remus helps.

He lurched forward and his front legs instantly buckled, his nose painfully hitting the dirt. Sirius licked his nose, wanting to just stay where he had landed a bit longer.

Tell Remus the truth. Un-break his heart.

He was sitting up again. He took more time now, surveying his surroundings. There wasn’t much to give away which country he had swum too. His heartbeat pounded in his water-logged ears.

He loved you. He will listen. Remus fixes. Remus helps.

*fest 2015, pairing: sirius/remus

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