Fic: The Great Guest List

Nov 07, 2014 15:25

Hullo, hullo, everyone! Having discovered this community because of The Day of the Black Dog event, I thought it might be fun to post something outside of the event as well. I pondered for a while which story to pick (I've written more about Sirius than I realized!), but eventually decided to dust off a slightly older one. Sirius-centric, Marauders-era, enjoy!

Title: The Great Guest List
Author/Artist: starfishstar
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius, James, Remus, Peter
Rating: G
Word Count: ~1,600
     "So then I got to thinking, who else can I invite to my party who would make my mother have a fit? Moony's perfect already, because no one likes werewolves."
     "Oh, thanks," Remus said with dripping sarcasm.
     "I mean no one except us, and we're the only ones who matter," Sirius replied impatiently.

Read here: AO3 or LJ

type: fic, rating: g, character: james, character: marauders

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