Week Two Wrap Up!

Oct 13, 2013 19:29

Well there's no accounting for taste, is there?
While Sirius sits around in his underwear, drinking beer, and listening to the Quidditch match on the wireless and Kreacher walks around muttering in disbelief, trying to keep his lunch down, we hope you'll take advantage of the posting break today in order to catch up with this week's entries.
As always, mind the warnings on all posts.
Selling Shampoo NWS


A Night to Remember (Sirius/James) NC-17
Repercussion (Sirius Black, Albus Dumbledore, Various aurors) PG
Holding on for Tomorrow (Sirius/Severus) NC-17
Wrapped in Leather (Sirius/Harry) NC-17
Sweet Thing (Bellatrix/Sirius) NC-17

And we're still looking for your recs, so if you've recced anything from the fest please let us know here.

And for more Sirius laden goodness, visit our affiliate R/S Games for all your puppy love needs.

*mod post, *week 2

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