Sirius Black Fest 2013: Fic: Holding on for Tomorrow

Oct 10, 2013 14:06

Title: Holding on for Tomorrow
Author: writcraft
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Sirius/Severus
Rating: NC-17
Prompt #: Own Prompt
Word Count: 3067
Summary: Sirius is drifting through post-war life, having meaningless sex with his worst enemy. As old animosities dissipate, Sirius has to wonder if the sex is really as meaningless as he first thought.
Warnings: Highlight to read: *Rough sex*
Disclaimer: The characters and situations in Harry Potter belong to J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Warner Bros., etc. I do not profit from this entry.
A/N: Thanks so much to A for the beta, to akatnamedeaster for her patience with me and to all of the Sirius_black mods for running this awesome fest.

They fuck like there might not be a tomorrow.

Their hands grip together against the wall and their grunts and groans fill the otherwise silent room.
It’s only fucking, Sirius reminds himself. It’s why they do it like this - up against a wall. It wouldn’t do at all if they could look into one another’s eyes.

They rarely speak when it’s done, or at least not to one another. They pull up their trousers and buckle their belts with a clink of metal. They lace their shoes and mutter spells to clean themselves up and they leave the dingy room which smells of mothballs and stale beer.

Sirius tells himself this was the last time, but he knows it’s a lie.

Despite how much he fights it, there’s always a tomorrow.


Sometimes, Sirius wonders if he’s lost his mind.

He remembers the strangest things, like the way moss used to grow between the cracks of the bricks at Azkaban. He sits for longer than he should, staring at the fire and sipping on lukewarm beer and wonders what to do next. He knows he won’t sleep until sunrise and he feels itchy and restless.

The clock ticks past the seconds with reassuring regularity, but the hands which count down the minutes and hours never seem to move. He checks it isn’t broken for the first time that evening, and watches the intricate mechanics as they whir and grind. He knows he will check again before the nights out.

He settles back into his sofa and watches the fire crackle and spit, and he thinks about the room in the seedy inn buried deep in the heart of Knockturn.

When he looks again, another hour has passed, but the night has barely begun. With a low growl, he calls out his destination and throws down a handful of Floo powder. Even with all of the space in his old family home, he always feels like the walls are closing in on him and he needs to escape the ticking clock and the still room.

The Floo pulls him through to his destination. The restlessness returns and with it, a flicker of hope.


“I was not expecting company.” Snape finishes his sentence with a sneer and looks pointedly at his drink, when Sirius takes a seat beside the bar.

“Neither was I.” Sirius shrugs and gestures for a pint, which he drinks down in slow, frothy mouthfuls before asking for another.

“I have no desire to watch you sit here and drink yourself into a stupor. You’re bad enough sober.” Snape turns his glass in his hands but makes no move to stand.

“It’s only a couple of pints - I’m hardly going to start serenading you.”

“If you attempt to serenade me, you idiotic mongrel, I won’t be held responsible for my actions.” Snape clutches his wand to emphasise the point and snorts. “You are aware there are plenty of spare seats?”

“I hadn’t really looked.” Sirius looks over his shoulder and notices the pub is nearly empty. “It’s a Friday night - where is everybody?”

“The Leaky Cauldron, I imagine.” Snape looks as if he wants to say something further, but thinks better of it and his mouth shuts with a snap, his lips pressing into a slim line. “I am still not entirely clear why you are here.”

“Couldn’t sleep.” Sirius thinks about his ticking clock and the way his memories jumble together with oppressive force when he’s alone, and shudders. “I fancied a drink.”

“Yes, but why are you here?” Snape finally looks at Sirius, his face expressionless and his eyes dark.

“Because.” Sirius leaves the rest unanswered and meets Snape’s gaze head on. Black eyes bore into his own and he knows that Snape understands. The flicker of hope returns and Sirius pushes a key across the sticky bar. “I thought I might get pissed and stay the night.”

“Indeed.” Snape traces slim fingers over the key and sips at his Firewhisky, barely acknowledging the unspoken invitation. “I suppose I have nothing better to do.”

“No,” Sirius agrees. “Neither do I.”


Snape flicks his wand to plunge the room into darkness, but Sirius isn’t keen on the dark anymore and murmurs a Lumos to counteract the spell.

“Not this time.”

“I do not wish to have you ogling my body.” Snape’s lips purse and he folds his arms, defensively.

“Then blindfold me.” Sirius winks, but he doesn’t really mean it. He’s not sure he would trust Snape with that.

“Ignorant mutt.” Snape snorts but unplucks the buttons on his robes without protest. It’s only when he reaches his shirt and trousers that he stops.

“Keep going, then.” Sirius is already naked, lounging on the bed, his hand stroking his half-erect cock. He feels a dull flush of excitement and slides his fingers over his chest, the touch making him shiver.

“Very well.” Snape’s pale face flushes a light pink, and he removes the remainder of his clothes.

“Who did that?” Sirius takes a moment to contemplate the scars which cover Snape’s chest. He has never seen those before, and now he knows why Snape prefers the shadows.

“Who do you imagine?” Snape looks at the bed and arches an eyebrow. “You want to fuck in bed?”

“I hear it’s how a lot of people do it.” Sirius grins at the way Snape makes him sound almost perverted. “I’m getting a bit old for fucking against a wall.”

“Forgive me. I wasn’t aware you wanted romance.” Snape smirks but moves to the bed in any event, propping himself onto his elbow and watching Sirius. “Would you like me to whisper sweet nothings in your ear, Black?”

“Hardly.” Sirius grins and pushes Snape onto his back. He brushes his lips against Snape’s jaw and enjoys the flex and arch of Snape’s body beneath him. He trails his tongue over one of the deepest scars, eliciting a hiss from Snape.

“Get on with it.” Snape’s fingers tangle into Sirius’ hair and tug, but this time Sirius isn’t having any of it. He feels lighter than he has for a while and wonders if he shouldn’t spend more nights like this.

“Patience.” With a grin, Sirius flicks his tongue into Snape’s belly button and moves lower to let out a huff of breath over Snape’s cock, watching as it twitches beneath him. It is long and slim, just like Snape himself, and the tip is already damp with pre-come. Sirius flicks his tongue along the slit and savours the salty flavour, before pressing his lips over Snape and taking him deep into his mouth.

Snape bucks with a groan, and his cock presses hard into Sirius’ throat. Sirius slides his mouth over Snape until he is slick with spittle and the movements become easier. He slides his tongue over the veins and sucks at the head of Snape’s cock. He plays with Snape’s balls, rolling them in his hand and pushing his fingers back to rub behind them.

Snape isn’t terribly vocal but Sirius knows Snape’s body well enough by now to see he’s enjoying this. It’s all tell-tale signs; a shift of Snape’s legs which part to give Sirius better access, and a steady series of grunts and groans when Sirius flicks his tongue or slides his mouth over Snape’s cock just so. When he feels Snape is close to coming, he stops, and pulls up, murmuring a spell to lubricate his fingers. He pushes them deep into Snape at the same time he captures Snape’s lips in his own.

For the first time, they kiss.

And this time, when they fuck, Sirius looks into Snape’s eyes.


“You didn’t hang around.” Sirius slides into the seat opposite Snape the next night.

“I wasn’t aware you wanted me to stay.” Snape glares at his drink and then at Sirius. “I come here to have a drink in peace, and I don’t recollect asking you to join me.”

“You want me to leave?” Sirius takes a drink of his pint and slides low in the seat, contemplating Snape.

“I imagine you will do as you please, regardless of what I might want.”

“You’re probably right.” Sirius chuckles and thinks of the darkness of Grimmauld Place and the clock that never moves. “You could come home with me.”

“Why on earth would I do that?” Snape looks horrified at the thought, and sniffs. “I have no desire to sleep in a dog basket when I have my own perfectly good bed at home.”

“You might enjoy it.” Sirius lets the comment about the dog basket slide and gives Snape what he hopes is a sufficiently wicked grin. He leans forward and dips his voice into a low growl. “I might even let you top.”

“How kind,” Snape sneers. He finishes his drink and stands, watching Sirius. “Well, then?”

“Now?” Sirius laughs and gets to his feet, letting his hand rest on the small of Snape’s back. “Someone’s eager. You know where I live - we’ll go by Floo.”

“Very well.” Snape shakes himself free of Sirius’ hand and stalks to the Floo.

Sirius watches until Snape disappears in a flash of green.


“I see you have done precisely nothing to the place.” Snape has his back to Sirius and trails his fingers over the sofa. “You need a house-elf.”

“I don’t like living here that much.” Now that Snape is here, Sirius isn’t entirely sure what to do and he can hear the carriage clock ticking in the silent room and the rustle of Snape’s robes as the silence stretches into the darkness.

“Then move. You are hardly impoverished, despite every indication to the contrary.” Snape’s brow furrows and he examines the dust on his fingers, before brushing his hands together.

“Firewhisky?” Sirius roots in his cupboards and finds the bottle, taking out two glasses which clink together in his hands. He is reminded of chains and screams and bile rises in his throat.

“Very well,” Snape inclines his head and studies Sirius. “I suppose this is better than Azkaban.”

“Too bloody right.” Sirius laughs but the sound is rough and clipped. The moment of remembering passes and he pours two glasses, watching the amber liquid slide from the bottle with a soft glug.

“You don’t appear to have much company.” Snape settles himself on the sofa and looks around the dark and dusty space. “I would have thought Potter would be a permanent fixture.”

“He visits but he’s abroad with Kingsley at the moment.”

“I see. Then you are at something of a loose end?” Snape’s lips tighten again.

“Not exactly - I don’t tend to have visitors at this time.” Sirius looks at the clock and is surprised to find that the hands seem to be moving now, as they crawl towards the early hours of the morning.

“You don’t sleep?” Snape’s eyebrow arches and he sips his drink.

“Not a lot.” Sirius savours the peaty flavour of his own drink and gestures to Snape. “Neither do you.”

“Not that it is any business of yours.” Snape bristles, but nods.

“Why do you let me fuck you?” The words are out before Sirius can claw them back and Snape’s shoulders tense.

“I do not let you fuck me.” Snape turns his gaze to Sirius and smirks. “Have you ever considered that I might be the one fucking with you?”

“Hardly.” Sirius snorts, a rush of heat flooding through him at Snape’s words.

“No?” Snape hums and shifts closer, his breath warm as he leans in to Sirius. “When you have nowhere else to go, you find yourself seeking out me. I remember a time when you used to consider me beneath you, and now you simply can’t stay away. You imagine yourself in control of the situation, simply because of the positions we adopt when we fuck.”

“I don’t seek you out, for fucks sake…” The lie rolls easily off his tongue and Sirius grits his teeth as his traitorous body reacts when Snape brushes his hand over his thigh.

“Of course you don’t.” Snape moves his lips over Sirius’ ear, his voice a deep, seductive purr.

“Fuck you.” Sirius shifts, trying to move from Snape but ending up closer than ever.

“Not this time.” Snape laughs and fists his hand into Sirius’ hair, tugging him closer. “No, this time I get to fuck you.”

Sirius wants to move and boot Snape out of his home, but the hand in his hair feels too fucking good, and when the heel of Snape’s palm presses against his crotch, he knows that’s the end of it. He won’t resist this - not least because something like this has been high on his fantasy list for longer than he cares to remember.

He turns his head and Snape is right there, looking at him with that blasted smirk and unreadable gaze. He kisses Snape then, and Snape responds with a groan, pushing Sirius back onto the sofa. Snape’s hand snakes between them and palms over Sirius’ cock, before pulling back just long enough to grunt out a spell which divests them of their clothes, dropping his wand to the floor with a clatter.

Snape moves back over Sirius and captures his lips again. They can’t seem to kiss normally - everything is hard, fast and painful. Sirius dimly wonders what kind of care Snape will take when he fucks him, and he imagines very little. Snape’s pushes Sirius’ legs apart and slips his fingers behind Sirius’ balls and rubs against his hole, making Sirius growl with the effort of not begging.

“Eager little pup.” Snape sounds amused and Sirius senses the tables have turned. Somewhere between the first glass of Firewhisky and now, Sirius has managed to lose any kind of control he thought he had over this situation. He feels more naked than ever, exposed and vulnerable, and he scratches his hands down Snape’s back, his only retaliation.

Snape fingers him roughly, and pulls back to align his cock with Sirius’ hole. Sirius opens his eyes in time to see Snape giving him the most peculiar look, before his face sets in the same, impenetrable expression he so often wears. With a low groan, Snape fills Sirius with a hard thrust, the stretch and burn making Sirius cry out.


Snape responds with a growl and nips at Sirius’ ear, thrusting into him and pushing his hand back between them to wrap around Sirius’ cock. Sirius is momentarily surprised that Snape thinks about his pleasure too, and then wonders why that would surprise him. He decides to stop overthinking things and loses himself in the unfamiliar sensation of being fucked. Their lips meet in another hard kiss, and after a while, when Sirius spills himself over his belly, his completion comes as a surprise to him too. A moment later, Snape comes deep inside him with a final thrust, gripping onto Sirius hard.

They stay together like that, twined together in a tangle of limbs and perspiration, while the clock ticks past the minutes.


“You don’t have to leave.” Sirius winces as he pulls on his trousers. Snape is already dressed and looking at the Floo with a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features.

“No?” Snape turns to Sirius and arches an eyebrow. “Are you quite alright?”

“Fine,” Sirius snaps, and feels heat rise in his cheeks.

“I see.” Snape rakes his gaze over Sirius and settles his hand on his arm. “Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to stay.”

“No, it really wouldn’t.” Sirius breathes again, relieved Snape doesn’t push. He places his hand on Snape’s back and pulls him closer, breathing in his scent. “It’s almost morning.”

“Then there hardly seems any point in leaving.” Snape looks out of the window as the cool light of the morning begins to break through the darkness. “I trust your bedroom is less dusty than the rest of the house.”

“It’s not so bad.” Sirius chuckles and grins at Snape. “I wouldn’t have thought a bit of dust would bother you.”

“I simply like a clean home.” Snape glares at Sirius over his shoulder as they make their way upstairs. “Not that I expect that matters to a shaggy great dog like yourself.”

Sirius wonders when Snape went from irritating bastard to entertaining, and he finds himself laughing again for the second time that evening. He wraps his arms around Snape’s waist and brushes his lips to his neck, before nudging the door to his room open with his hand. Somewhere in the belly of the house the portraits scream something insulting about blood traitors, and Sirius slams the door behind them in an effort to drown out the sound.

“Fucking hell.”

“There are spells for that.” Snape snorts and kicks off his shoes, settling on the bed. “You are aware you are a wizard?”

“Shut it.” Sirius moves to join Snape and shifts close to him. “Bloody arse.”

“Yes, well.” Snape smirks and watches Sirius.

“We should sleep.” Sirius feels strange and disconnected from himself, wondering if Snape will still be there when he wakes up. “Are you going to sneak out again in the morning?”

“Would you prefer it if I did?” Snape arches his eyebrow and Sirius shakes his head.

“No - I’m a better cook than I am house keeper - I make a mean breakfast.”

“Coffee will suffice, black without sugar.” With a soft snort, Snape rolls over. “And I don’t expect to be cuddled.”

“Well that’s good,” Sirius chuckles.

When he hears Snape snoring softly beside him, Sirius shifts and seeks out his warmth.

Snape turns in his arms and burrows closer until -finally- Sirius allows himself to sleep and look forward to tomorrow.


type: fic, warning: sex, rating: nc-17, pairing: sirius/severus, *fest 2013

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