Week One Wrap Up!

Oct 06, 2013 13:57

While Sirius is busy er, perfecting his one handed typing abilities this afternoon, we are taking a break so everyone can catch up on the stories and art that have been posted this week.
Sirius Black Art Nouveau WS
Special Friends (Crookshanks/Padfoot) WS

Right Now and So Strong (Sirius/Harry) NWS
Hate That I Want You (Bellatrix/Sirius) NWS
No Life At All (Snape/Lily, Snape/Sirius, Snape/Sirius/Remus, mention of James/Lily) NWS

Please mind the warnings on all art and fic posts!

Recs! We want your recs! If you've recced something from the fest please drop a comment on the recs collection post so we can ensure our creators get all the love they deserve.

And for more Sirius laden goodness, visit our affiliate R/S Games for all your puppy love needs.

*week 1, *mod post, *fest 2013

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