Days 11-14 Prompt Round-Up

Jun 26, 2013 00:04

We're finally in the home stretch with regard to prompting and I'm happy to say we suffer from an embarrassment of riches. There are so many prompts of so much variation (yes, there's even a sword swallower option.), many which very open ended, that authors and artists should have no problem with finding something that makes a rabid plot bunny start chewing on their brain.

Nevertheless, we still have a couple of days left, so feel free to add to our treasure trove of prompts if you have something you'd love to see someone possibly tackle or that you, yourself would like to write/draw.


Prompt #135: Pairing(s)/Characters: Padfoot
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: What was Padfoot's journey across the North Sea to Hogwarts like, did he have any adventures or run into any trouble in his travels? Think Homeward Bound meets Escape from Alcatraz. ;)
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Prompt #113: Pairing(s)/Characters: Gen, but would prefer Sirius and his friends as main characters.
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: They were all told about the cursed purple sapphire, yet they chose not to believe in it. According to legend, you have to touch the purple sapphire and horrible things will happen to you. So of course, acting on a dare one of the characters (author chooses who) will touch it. As is expected, nothing horrible happens until a few days afterwards. At first it is minor things like a beloved family heirloom or a possession gets broken as if by unseen hands, but then it becomes terrifying when the person slowly goes mad.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Any rating
Likes: character exploration, ancient curses, detective work, friendship, hurt/comfort, angst, madness, having the pants scared off of me, classic ghost/horror story. Author can take it anyway they want, really. I'll be happy with creativity in any form.
Dislikes: happy endings without explanation

Prompt #114: Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius with any character or characters whom he sees as inferior... Kreacher? Severus? Someone else? (feel free to add any characters or pairings you want)
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: "If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals." -Sirius Black
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any

Prompt #115: Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, Walburga, any
For Fic/Art/Either:
Prompt: Kreacher said that Sirius had broken his mother's heart. What if this was true?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): G to R

Prompt #116: Characters:Sirius, Harry
For Fic/Art/Either:Either
Prompt:Harry is having issues - could be girls, school trouble, his guilt over Cedric etc - and turns to Sirius for advice and comfort.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17):Any
Likes:For this prompt: gen, fatherly Sirius, realistic teenagers

Prompt #117: Characters: Sirius, James, Lily, Remus, Peter
For Fic/Art/Either:Either
Prompt:How does Sirius deal with being Best Man at James and Lily's wedding?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17):Any
Likes:Bromance between James and Sirius
Dislikes:Peter being made out to be shifty

Prompt #118: Pairing(s)/Characters: Gen
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: They decided to make dinner for everybody, the muggle way to make it more closer to the heart. However, things start going wrong when they realise that they don't know how to cook.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): PG-13
Likes: anything

Prompt #119: Pairing(s)/Characters:Sirius, Assorted members of the Black family
For Fic/Art/Either:Either
Prompt: It's been insinuated in canon that Sirius had a good relationship with his Uncle Alphard who died some time after Sirius had been disowned by his family. What would have happened if Sirius had shown up at the funeral?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17):R
Likes:Screwed up family dynamics and drama, drama, drama.
Dislikes: Sirius being portrayed as being unintelligent.

Prompt #120: Pairings/Characters: Sirius, Hogwarts students and staff (especially the Weasley twins!), Harry
For Fic/Art/Either: Either!
Prompt: Sirius dies after only a few months in Azkaban and shortly thereafter, shows up as a ghost at Hogwarts. But he's not haunting the school--he's haunting the Marauders' Map. How does one adjust to death, encourage mischief, and avoid exorcism as a criminal and all-around Bad Influence? Who finds out that he's haunting the Map? And how does he react to Harry's arrival?
Maximum Rating: R. Keep it gen, guys!
Likes: Prankster mayhem, fluff and angst, people acting their age.
Dislikes: Unjustified character bashing, absolute downer endings.

Prompt# 121: Pairings/Characters: Sirius and Lily, with a side of James
For Fic/Art/Either: Wherever the Muse may take you.
Prompt: 'The first thing he thought when he saw her were that her eyes were the colour of death, but he'd had enough etiquette lessons beaten into his head (Thick-skulled lout! his mother said) not to say so.' A pureblood boy, a muggleborn girl, and the relationship between, from the time they met through the day she died.
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Likes: James/Sirius, unrequited or otherwise; people acting their age; fluff and angst.
Dislikes: Character bashing, Sirius/Lily (unless it's a threesome; you are perfectly welcome to write me threesome fic).

Prompt # 122: Pairings/Characters: Sirius, ensemble cast
For Fic/Art/Either: I see fic, but if the Art Muse is insistent, go ahead!
Prompt: People didn't suddenly change their opinions of Sirius overnight, October 31-November 1, 1981. Who doubted, and why? Was it the natural suspicion of everyone that comes with fighting a war that close to home, or was there something more? And why, when the dust settled, did no-one fight for Sirius--or did they?
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Likes: Angst, suffering, and woe.
Dislikes: Simple explanations, character bashing.


Prompt # 123: Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/James
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: We know Sirius left home and went to live with James. I always wanted to read a fic about that first week sharing James room. Maybe bed sharing, under the cover groping, accidental cuddling, complete denial about attraction to one another... Just a fun, hot, ust-filled fic.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC17

Prompt #124: Pairing(s)/Characters: Harry/Sirius
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt:  Sirius' dirty, secret desire: to see his Godson naked. Its so wrong, but he cant stop. The desire to see Harrys arse being pounded drives him mad, especially everytime Harry is around.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17

Prompt #125: Pairings/Characters: Sirius, others as needed
For Fic/Art/Either: Either.
Prompt: 5+1 fic. Five animal forms Sirius might have ended up with, and the one he did.
Maximum Rating: NC-17
Likes: Seeing how the different pieces of Sirius' history and personality fit together. A basic grasp of biology. Interesting magic/interpretations on the Animagus process.
Dislikes: Senseless character bashing. Stupid Sirius.

Prompt #126: Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Snape
For Fic/Art/Either: Any
Prompt: Circus AU! Sirius is the sword swallower, and Snape is the clown. Or something. (Mod Note: Ha! And no, this is not my prompt.)
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): Any
Likes: Fluff, ridiculousness, romance, angst
Dislikes: Nonsexual body fluids, dub-con/non-con, extreme kink/BDSM

Prompt #127: Pairing(s)/Characters: Harry/Sirius
For Fic/Art/Either: Either
Prompt: non-magic AU. HARRY is a player and sleeps around. He meets a man twenty years older than him and after a few encounters finds out he’s his godfather. Awkward feeling of guilt and yet severe attraction continues.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17
Likes: Preferred that Harry was still an orphan and raised by his aunt and uncle until he’s sent off to boarding school or something. (doesn’t have to be non magic AU).
Dislikes: scat, watersports, rape, bdsm

Prompt #128: Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius, James, Remus, Peter
For Fic/Art/Either: either
Prompt: For years being a Marauder was a major part of Sirius' life. Give us one or more slice of life moments to show Sirius' connection with each of the other Marauders. What did each one give to him, and what did he give each of them?
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): any
Likes:  canon,  all sexualities are good: feel free to either slash any Marauders or go solidly gen
Dislikes: AU, pretending Peter was not part of the Marauders, completely evil villains or completely good heroes (versus the muddy reality of human complexity)

Prompt #129: Characters:Sirius, Harry, Remus
For Fic/Art/Either:Either
Prompt:Harry and Remus follow Sirius into the veil, and all three end up in a mysterious world
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17):Any

Prompt #130: Characters:Sirius, Remus
For Fic/Art/Either:Either
Prompt:Sirius deals with the aftermath of the 'prank' that nearly killed Snape
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17):Any
Likes:Remus/Sirius pairing but not a requirement

Prompt #131: Pairing:Sirius/Harry
For Fic/Art/Either:Either
Prompt:Harry finds a way to free Sirius from the veil, and Sirius likes what he sees
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17):Any
Likes:Top!Sirius and bottom!Harry


Prompt #132: Pairing(s)/Characters: Sirius/Hermione
For Fic/Art/Either: Fic
Prompt: Hermione and Sirius clash all the time. Their personalities are so different. But the sexual tension is all the better for it.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17): NC-17

Prompt #133: Pairing(s)/Characters:Sirius/Hermione
For Fic/Art/Either:Fic
Prompt:Hermione finds a way to bring Sirius back from the veil. He is a bit worse for wear so he has to rest and recoup at Grimmauld Place. Hermione finds herself checking up on him muvh more often than strictly necessary, although she convnces herself its her duty as a friend and has nothing to do with how ruggedly handsome she suddenly finds him.
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17):NC-17
Likes:Flirting, possessive or jealous men, snarky Sirius, Hermione being broken out of her shell or comfort zone, power plays and games.
Dislikes:Harry not with Draco. Stupid! or Fanon!Ron. OOCness. Heavy angst. Pointless fluff.

Anything Goes

Prompt #134: Pairing(s)/Characters:Any
For Fic/Art/Either:Either
Prompt:You and me in our playhouse
Living in a veil
We never need to go without
Memories bring no joy or peace
We are alone
And all we need (Song lyrics to Bernadette by IAMX)
Maximum Rating (G to NC-17):Go as high or low as you like.

*mod post, *prompting post

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