Days of Cats and Cabbages

Jun 06, 2013 00:41

Title: Days of Cats and Cabbages
Author: smallbrownfrog
Characters or pairing: Sirius Black/Arabella Figg
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4,257
Summary: When Sirius and Buckbeak escaped from Hogwarts, Sirius didn’t know where to turn.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter characters. No profit is being made. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author's notes: Written for gryffindorj for hp-beholder's yearly fest. Many thanks to L for the fabulous beta and to imera for the spot check.

Days of Cats and Cabbages

type: fic, warning: sex, warning: het, warning: cross-gen, rating: nc-17

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