Title: An Inconvenient Affair
carolinelambPairing(s)/character(s): Sirius Black/Severus Snape, Highlight to read*Hermione/Pansy,*
Rating: NC-17
Prompt #: 14 (by
Word count: ~14.170
Summary: After a chance meeting at a muggle bar the two rivals manage to get drunk and fall into bed together. They agree on a "just sex" relationship but what happens
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Again, Snape was very real here and very touching. Even that bit at Harry's party was touching. But this, this broke my heart just a little:
Before the end of the war, Severus has never allowed himself to live. Since the day Lily had died and he had agreed to work as a double agent he had been biding time, waiting for the next briefing, the next mission.
At times he had imagined Dumbledore caring for him, like a friend might care for another, like a father for his son, but in the end this kind illusion had been shattered like all others. And yet-despite the hopelessness of the times, he had held out this stubborn hope that finally after this war there might be a life for him too. I like how well these two fit together - and that should say something coming from a pretty die-hard R/S shipper. Siriusly, though, there is a really lovely element of caring and love in their relationship that really works for me.
Yet Sirius is equally as lovely and well-thought out here. And it's not just his beauty: He also doesn't tell Black that he takes care that no one else approaches him. He knows some subtle hexes to keep these horny guys away. Black is despite being ravaged by prison and death, a beautiful man and something of a gay man's dream. Large grey eyes, high chiselled cheekbones, yet masculine jaw, a straight, patrician nose. A rare and fascinating mixture of fragile beauty and almost stereotypical rugged handsomeness. He loves with such reckless abandon. So thoroughly and easily that it just seems "right," He's like that in canon, too, I think. He loves fully and with his entire being. You capture that well.
Their misunderstanding/break-up broke my heart here, but it was written well and made perfect sense. I also liked Snape's memories of the Shack and what went down at the dinner party. Good for Snape there! That was nearly Gryffindor-brave! But what I liked most of all was that he actually encouraged his former students. THAT was awesome!
Oh, and this bit was very funny: "I want to suck your sock!" is Sirius' first infantile and enthusiastic message.
“Please go to your settings and disable autocorrect,” Snape instructs him promptly.
“Damn autocorrect!” Sirius types, furiously blushing. “I meant cock. C O C K … okay?” Autocorrect errors are the funniest things ever.
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