Title: My F**d up Family: Dad
dead_sexydexyChallenge: family
Rating: R
Characters: Orion Black/OFC
Warnings: language, porn magazines, baby!kink
Notes: Marauder Era Sirius wrote this as part of a detention assignment designed to make him better appreciate his family.
Further Notes: Supposed to be a series, but life got in the way. This post was to feature several 100 word entries of Sirius writing about his blood family. A second post would follow with several about his true family. :/
My Fucked Up Family, By Sirius Black
Orion is quite the hypocrite. He looks down on Muggles, Muggleborn, and Halfbloods in public, yet bangs them every chance he gets. Yes, I found a load of magazines hidden in his study too. He had everything from Mounted Mudbloods and Muggle Moaners to Tantalizing Tainted Twins (nice tit mag, that one).The real find that day were the pictures of him with some nameless woman. He was dressed as a baby and she was powdering is hairy white arse while he tugged his pathetic prick. I thought she looked rather bored; kept rolling her eyes at me over his backside.