Hello, everyone! I don't officially moderate this community anymore, and there's not a lot of activity..but I did want to post in regards to an important election that will affect anyone involved in any fandom (Harry Potter or other fandoms).
LiveJournal is currently holding a
vote for a user representative to serve on its
Advisory Board. Many fen think that representative should come from a fandom background. If you agree, please
cast your vote for three of the following candidates endorsed by fandom:
daniidebrabantjmaynardlegomymalfoylordandreiqfemalerandompostingrmsollitairetangovichan Here are summaries of their election platforms. The three fannish candidates with the best chances of winning (and their platforms) are listed
If you believe it's important for fandom to have a voice in the future of LiveJournal, please
vote before 9:00 p.m. PDT on Thursday, May 29, 2008.
(This text was taken and slightly modified from
this post of