Title: Resolutions and Pink Champagne
bewarethesmirkWords: 100
Challenge: Resolutions
Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin
Rating: G
Sirius’ eyes were trained on the pink champagne that frothed in his flute glass as if it were heaven liquefied, which to him, it was.
Remus just didn’t understand. “So,” Remus ventured, sipping his own champagne and unsuccessfully masking his disgust.
“Moony!” Sirius said, as if just noticing Remus was present. “Moony!”
Remus raised an eyebrow.
“We need resolutions!” Sirius shoulder bumped against Remus as he bounced in his seat.
“Oh God, no.”
“You’re sucking the spirit out of my festive-induced bliss! Shame, oh the shame!”
“I resolve,” Remus said, “to never allow you access to champagne again.”
Sirius gasped.