Happy Valentines Day

Feb 14, 2006 09:37

Happy Valentine's Day!

I get to stay home today! YAY! My littlest woke up with a fever and so we're just hanging out. It works out well because I have laundry to fold, shelves to assemble, email to answer, and RPG thread to start, and defintely a nap to take. At work I'd be working on trying to create a new form in MS Access when I forget just exactly how I made that other form six months ago. It makes my brain hurt just thinking about it, and I started the day with a headache anyway.

The laundry should have been folded three nights ago, excpt I have this chronic narcolepsy every time I come near our family room couch and the olympic coverage. I insist that the TV be tuned to the olympics (because they are cool and only come around every 4 years) but no sooner do I turn them on then I'm snoring on the couch. The pillow, blanket, and heating pad on my back kind of help to send me into slumber land, but....

And I would have folded laundry last night, but my 7th grader pipes up at 7:30 that he has no homework except he has to construct an atom. Do we have any craft supplies t home??? Nooooooooooooooo...so out to Walmart we go. Luckily we were able to avoid the feeding frenzy in the valentine's aisle. What a madhouse! So we got the styrofoam balls (nucleus) and the little shiny puff balls (electrons) and a few other sundries and home we went to construct some Neon.

Off to conquer the chores and hopefully get to take a nap.

Oh and the DH has been wasting constructively using his time he should be doing stuff around the house free time to develop a theory about an overarching theme in the HP books that centers around the seven deadly sins and seven heavenly virtues. Have you seen it pegkerr? It reminds me of your essays, except he has the benefit of six books to wrap the themes around. He wasn't familiar with your work whilst developing it, but I think he's seen your essays since. If anyone wants me to post it here, let me know.
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