~ The requested entry by Nelyafinwë Fëanároion ~

Sep 13, 2006 19:57

Tagged. I am a victim of lenine2, who clearly wants to know way too much about me.
But who can deny Lenine?
Findekáno's words, of course. He finally talked me into it, dear Lenine. Sirielle herself wasn't persuasive enough.

The rules to break since Sirielle forces her muses to post personally:
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog entry with five complete lies about a muse of yours. That is, five things about the muse that are completely not true. Not even slightly. Then add something that is absolutely TRUE and the first person to guess which one is true wins. :) Then tag up to five people you want to turn into compulsive liars too.

You seem to know a lot about me. Looking around I've got a feeling you fan ficcers do know even more than I do.
Let's see. I'll share a few memories with you. Decide which one is true:

1 Immortality

What does it mean to have a limited lifetime? Perspective of lasting till the end of Arda freezes me, I fear the final end more every day. I'm sure the same unknown end awaits both kinds, but we have to wait for the inevitable longer. What a cruelty of our dearest Allfather.
I've already lived once. I had almost everything in the past life, I want nothing now. Have no goal, hurry nowhere.
I keep close to Fino out of habit. He's got too many ideas, as always. In theory one can never be bored in such company, but adventures do not move me anymore. I wouldn't say I'm bored, I'm rather indifferent.

2 Fingon the Valiant

I will never forgive you that deed.

No, not the cut hand, it was too stained to mourn it. Nor keeping me alive then, delirious talk. I've never wanted you to be a kinslayer again.

Don't be ridiculous, not your accusing words in Finwë's palace. Yes, even you were right, painfully right, screaming these truths into my face was insultive. I was crushed enough seeing my father aiming at yours with a sword. After your tirade the crowd saw enemy in me, as well. But that's nothing.

No, Fino, I will never forgive you not waiting for me that day. Tears Unnumbered, Fin. Your impatience and bravado took you away from me. The only keeper of my sanity. You gave me no chance to defend you, not even a chance of fighting by your side as you have promised. I wanted to die with you, but the oath didn't let me go.

You left me alone in a world without hope.

3 Sirielle

You were a ray of light in the darkness of Anfauglith. The bravest of Himring female warriors, noble and deadly.
I was afraid I'll lose you that day.
You picked up the fallen banner from dead soldier's hands and fought to keep it. Banner with the Star of Fëanor, now stained with both elven and human blood. Uldor the accursed appeared behind you out of nowhere. I froze, breathless, unbearable pain pierced my heart.
The world slowed down, the noises ceased, I could hear only my heart beating insanely. I...

*Two voices breaking in, at first muffled, now giggling openly.*
Maitimo: 'Stop laughing behind my back, traitors.'
Fino: *Giggling lauder than Sirielle.*
Maitimo: 'I've never said I was a poet, have I?'
Maitimo: *mischievous grin*
Maitimo: 'Trying my best.'
Fidelius: *Jumping on Maitimo's lap.*
Fidelius: 'Meow.'
Maitimo: 'You're distracting me either?'
Fidelius: *Making himself comfortable and laying head on Maitimo's left hand, so he has to type with only one now.*
Maitimo: *Trying to save his hand form cat's hold, impossible.*
Maitimo: 'Where was I? Oh, yes, Fin.'
Maitimo: *looking behind angrily*
Maitimo: 'You.'

4 Findekáno

You. The one who crossed Helcaraxë and rescued me from Thangorodrim.
Hard to believe it.
A cute doll in fancy clothes, charming everyone around like a hooker. Starving for love and admiration.
You would get extra candies from the shopkeeper, if you were a kid.
But you are not a kid, Fin. So where are this hurt eyes and trembling mouth coming from? Do you really believe I am your friend?
Perhaps once I was one... The former life is quickly decomposing in my memory. Still, I remember enough to see clearly you are not him, Fin.
Bathe in my disdain and taste my bitterness, if you insist to accompany me so much. Don't count on my mercy nor my heart, for I have none.

5 Curufinwë Fëanáro

Father. I hit you. Once.
To stop.
The ill words flowing. From your mouth.

Rising screams of Umbarto, a faint background for your tirade. Flames on Telerin ships. My heated mind, anger and fist. I hit you hard, directly on this wry mouth. You, the greatest of Noldor, fell on the ground like a useless rag doll. Shocked, wiping your own blood from the stunned face. Rising voices. Moving silhouettes.

I paid you. Attention no more. Running.
To stop.
My brother's painful cry.

6 Ice cream

Vanilla, cappuccino, mocca, tiramisu. One of these very few things missing in Aman.
Mortals sometimes invent good things, rarely, but they do. These are the best: ice cream, cigarettes and vodka.
Brothels? Mind me! Immortality and superior cultural heritage brings higher standards and expectations.
Can I have another refill, please?

Fino: 'The last one was lame.'
Maitimo: *Scolding eye.*
Fino: *Purring over his moccachino as a cat.*

BTW, Sirielle being as careless careful as she always is, has left a hint recently. If you saw it - admit it.
No cheating, you're dealing with Fëanorion!

Findekáno was a lazy chicken to tag no one. Let muses of these victims play compulsive liars, if they haven't, yet:
aramel_calawen's Celegorm
tehta's Maedhros (I know you did it alredy, but not Mae?)
ann_arien's Fëanor
dragonlady7's Glorfindel
claudi007's Fingon

Ouch, 5 already. But we still have got Fino's tags to fill, haven't we?

appoggiato's Glorfindel
ithiliel_silver's Erestor
mirien's Maitimo
ithilwen's Nelyo
dawn_felagund's Russandol

Fino: 'You should have asked me first!'
Maitimo: 'You have already had your chance.'

maedhros, my elves, fan fiction

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