Aiglos Almanach Tolkienowski Special Issue II is still available!
English language issue, prepared especially for the The Tolkien Society conference Return of the Ring 2012 in Loughborough.
- Tolkien and the Vikings. J.R.R. Tolkien's connection with the Victorian literature concerning the North - Michał Leśniewski 'M.L.'
- Samwise the Great - Maria Błaszkiewicz
- Language and myth. Tolkien’s and Barfield’s concepts of 'meaning' - Karolina Stopa-Olszańska 'Melinir'
- Éowyn - the misunderstood Lady of Rohan - Justyna Brzezińska
- Who are you, and what are you doing in this land? A different way of looking at known things - an epic reading of 'The Lord of the Rings' - Maria Błaszkiewicz
- Noegyth nibin - racism in Beleriand? - Magdalena Kudelska 'Geirve'
- The Rivendell Hymnal and Tenebrae - Tolkien, Elves and the Roman Liturgy - Marcin Morawski 'Lomendil'
- Three Men in a Boat (To Say Nothing of Huan) - 'Kasiopea'
- Mythopoeia and Quenta Silmarillion by J.R.R. Tolkien - God, faith, freedom, and the Second Coming - Jakub Z. Lichański
- Nerdanel. A few words about an episode which did not have to be a mere episode - Michał Leśniewski 'M.L.'
- The First Tolkienists - Tadeusz A. Olszański 'Halbarad Dúnadan'
- Word, power and will - magic in the writings of J.R.R. Tolkien - Anna Adamczyk-Śliwińska 'Nifrodel'
- The Sense of Unity and the Category of Unity. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings in the Context of Medieval Epic - Agnieszka Kruszyńska
- The Volsunga Saga as an Inspiration for J.R.R. Tolkien - Renata Leśniakiewicz-Drzymała
- Master of Doom and Ring-bearer: Fate and Free Will in Middle-earth of the First and the Third Ages - Tadeusz A. Olszański 'Halbarad Dúnadan'
- Believe neither editors nor translators, or how I almost rubbed shoulders with a celebrity - Agnieszka Sylwanowicz 'Evermind HS Took'
- (details at )
Fanfiction and poetry
by Anna Adamczyk-Śliwińska 'Nifrodel' in Bożena Mitko 'Nellelórë'’s translation and of English-language poems by Marcin Morawski 'Lomendil'.
Reviews and Interviews
- Interview with Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond -from Aiglos No. 6 (Spring/Summer 2006) (with recent footnotes)
- Interview with Tom Shippey -from Aiglos No. 8 (Spring/Summer 2007) (with updates)
- Interview with Verlyn Flieger - from Aiglos No. 12 (Spring/Summer 2009) (with updates)
- Interview with Michael D.C. Drout - from Aiglos No. 12 (Spring/Summer 2009)
- Interview with Alex Lewis -from Aiglos No. 15 (Winter 2010/2011)
- Review: A Fortress Made of Ice: The Silmarillion. Thirty Years On, ed: Allan Turner- -Tadeusz A. Olszański 'Halbarad Dúnadan'
- Review: Destroying the tower built in Beleriand. Arda Reconstructed, i.e. a handful of comments on the book by Douglas Kane, on Tolkienologists and on Christopher Tolkien's edition - Michał Leśniewski 'M.L.'
- Review: A Truly Monumental Work. A Handful of Remarks on J. R. R. Tolkien Companion and Guide by Christina Scull and Wayne G. Hammond - Michał Leśniewski 'M.L.'
- Review: A Fairy Tale and Orality in Tolkien's Texts - (Adrian Jakuboze, Maria E. Pobieżyńska, Michał Żaczek, Baśń- oralność- zagadka) -Karolina Stopa-Olszańska 'Melinir'
- Review: The Lord of the Rings, the book and the film as seen by the students of the Adam Mickiewicz University" - Anna Adamczyk-Śliwińska 'Nifrodel'
- Review: The History of an unusual Friendship? Colin Duriez,Tolkien and C.S. Lewis: The Gift of Friendship -Anna Adamczyk-Śliwińska 'Nifrodel'
More detailed information: Orders: Make sure you've got it on your shelf! And share it, let others know!