Jan 09, 2005 10:42
i'm so dissapointed/absolutely frustrated/pissed off/sad/angry right now. i can't even discribe it to you, i dont think i've cried that hard since all that shit at the end of junior year. WHAT HAPPENED. i honestly wish that i could tell you but i dont even know. MAPDA sucks and they are so biased and it has never been so apparent as last night. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhskakldakcsklvnknaklvnaklnvcklamncklancklmsaclkmackmsackFUCK. we worked so hard and there is no fucking way that paint branch fucking beat us. if anyone. no way. i saw them! they weren't good enough for 4th AT ALL. i dont even know what im supposed to do. cause i saw the tape and its not like we were bad. at all. and we got no deductions! wtf. i dont know what to do to improve it or make them like it more. this is so frustrating. and im so mad because i think its so much fun to do, i always have such a good time performing it. god damn i was supposed to finally be really happy about the awards ceremony at a pom competition again, like 2 years ago when we won. i want to be that happy again. i mean dont get me wrong, last year i was SO FUCKING HAPPY/PROUD when we got 4th at counties but i want to finally win again. like first place, or hell, even PLACE. i just don't understand, but maybe next week will be better at magruder since those dumbass MAPDA judges won't be there. and neither will magruder. thank. god.
i must say though, that QO got 5th. and i could NOT BE HAPPIER about that. they were so cocky yesterday it was insane. i wanted to go punch them all in the face and be like just becasue you won everything last year doesnt mean that youre GOOD. seriously but yea that made me feel a tinyy bit better.
butttt in the midst of all this, i got third place captain. =)
wow that was really hard to say. ive been so mad and it was sooooo overshadowed by our squads placing that i havent even had time to be happy about it. and i reaallyyy am. im even more happy about the scores because 1,2,3 place captains were 29,30, 30.5 and 3,4,5 place were wayyyy below that. and allison thought the sherwood captain was going to place no doubt and she didnt so she thought that meant i did really well. im really proud of myself, i worked so fucking hard this year to improve as much as i could and im really happy that it paid off. BUT IM STILL FUCKING PISSED OFF ABOUT THE JUDGES LACK OF APPRECIATION FOR OUR SQUADS PERFORMANCE. ugh. fuck them -- we'll show em next week.
BUT thank you SO MUCH to everyone who came out yesterday -- it meant a lot to me/us, the wootton section was finally good! except dont get us DQed cause every pom will personally come and hunt you down. haha but i KNOW that would never happen so thanks for coming! and thank you to everyone who spoiled me yesterday with flowers and balloons and hugs and kisses, i felt very loved and i love you all for it. and esp. staci! (who was across the country!) thanks for the flowers baby i love you!!