The insurance didn't accept my car before I put on it some device to prevent stealing because of where I live. Which I did, and although it's annoying when starting the car, it has indeed prevented stealing at least twice. I'm sure they think I'm not giving them enough money since I have a bonus and they don't want to pay anymore (they were certainly badly scared by all those burned cars a few weeks ago in the suburb). Argh ! I don't want to think about them anymore ! Thanks for the hugs and consider yourself hugged back ;)
Jarhead is not the usual war movie, because the Gulf war was not a typical war, and you imagine how easy it was after that for Bush jr and his men to believe the Iraq war would be once again an "easy" one. We know now how false that assumption was ! It's also very well played by the whole cast. I remember very clearly Peter Sarsgaard in Kinsey, very clearly ;) I loved him in Garden State too. Have you seen that one finally ? I'm waiting eagerly for the Dying Gaul but there's still no release date here :(
Ewan is a pleasure to watch, and this wallpaper is so soft, so gentle and soothing, I feel better each time I watch it.
Jarhead is not the usual war movie, because the Gulf war was not a typical war, and you imagine how easy it was after that for Bush jr and his men to believe the Iraq war would be once again an "easy" one. We know now how false that assumption was ! It's also very well played by the whole cast. I remember very clearly Peter Sarsgaard in Kinsey, very clearly ;) I loved him in Garden State too. Have you seen that one finally ? I'm waiting eagerly for the Dying Gaul but there's still no release date here :(
Ewan is a pleasure to watch, and this wallpaper is so soft, so gentle and soothing, I feel better each time I watch it.
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