Oct 24, 2004 10:01
**69 Things I Want To Know About You**
1)Name: Sami
2)Age: 14 (finally! ^^)
3)Birthday: Oct. 20th
4)Grade: 9th
5)Hair color: Burgandy/redish
6)Eye color: hazel
7)Been kissed: yes
8)Kissed someone: yes
9)Had sex: no
10)Gone farther with someone than kissing: yes, groping..hehe ^^
11)Been drunk ((be honest)) :no
12)If yes to #11, then what did you drink? If no, then Good Job! :yay, good job me.
13)Done drugs ((be honest)) :no
14)If yes to #13, then what did you snort/smoke, etc? If no, then……I’m sorry…weed is fun! :no
15) Sung in public? If yes, then for what?: yes, for choir, and for the fun of being stupid
16)Eaten an entire box of Oreos: not quite...accursed mother found me...0.o
17)Been all by yourself in a movie theatre : yesh! ^^
18)Cheated on a test of some sort? : once...or twice
19)Stolen something from someone or somewhere :what can i say, i was a bad little kid who had no money...$3 is alot to a six yr. old!
20)Been to a concert? If yes, what concert?: yesh, Festival Con Dios, ShoutFest, ArrowFest, Tin Man Jones
21)Been out of state?: yes, i've been to over 35 states...
22)Been to the beach: yesh...i loveth teh beach.
23)Broken a bone: not yet...0.o
24)Met a celebrity?: yesh! ^^
25)Stalked somebody:uhm..i dun think so..
26)Snuck out of your house to do something when you were grounded?: yesh...several times
27)Snuck out of your house at night when your parents were asleep?: yesh...i like teh rain and it was pouring, so i snuck out to play in it.
THIS OR THAT…(choose the one you like better))
28)Black/White: black
29)Blue/Pink : blue...(pink, ugh)
30)Felix/Leroy/Joseph/James: James
31)Coke/Pepsi: uhm, both..lol
32)Coke/Sprite: Coke
33)Pepsi/Dr. Pepper: Dr. Pepper
34)Balloons/Streamers: balloons! they pop! ^^;
35)Sweet 16/Legal 21: sweet 16
36)Rap/Rock : ROCK! w00t! ^^ (can't spell crap w/o rap)
37)Movies with your boyfriend/night out with the girls: oooh, toughie...i'll come back to ya on that.
38)Skateboarding/Skiing: skateboarding
39)Hot/Cold: hot
40)Winter/Summer: summer
41)Rain/Snow: ooh..hard...rain
42)Llamas/Monkeys: MONKEYS!
43)Napoleon Dynamite/Ladder 49: uhm, Napoleon Dynamite...(do the chickens have large talons?)
44)Plain/Chocolate Milk: Chocolate milk
45)Eat/Sleep: sleep
DO YOU LIKE…((yes or no, if you like the following or not…any way you want))
46)Boys: yesh
47)Girls: yesh
48)Parents: most of the time
49)Siblings: ...eeeh...
50)School: no
51)Weed: never tried it..yet..
52)Alcohol: love/hate relationship there..
53)Llamas: sure
54)Furbies: no...can i kill them all?
55)Napoleon Dynamite ((The movie)): never seen it, but it sounds awesome
56)Racists: no
57)Rock: YESH
58)Hip-Hop: eeeh
59)R&B: eeehh
60)Rap: hells no
61)Country: yesh
62)Are you single or taken: taken (i <3 David! ^^)
63)Do you like somebody right now, Who?: yesh, my bf, David. I love him
64)Why do you like them: ...too many reasons to list, but his personality is a major part.
65)Dumped Somebody ((if yes, then how did you do it?)): dumped ish such a harsh word, but yes. And I did it as nicely as i could through notes or in person.
66)Been dumped ((If yes, how did they do it?)): not yet..luckily
67)Been in love ((If yes, how did you know?)): yes...right now. And you just know.
68)Cheated on your bf/gf: yes, but i'd rather not mention that ever. it was a big mistake that shall not happen again
69. Are you straight, gay, lesbian, or bi? ((Are you comfortable with your sexuality?)) : i'm bi, and i'm semi-comfortable...its' hard when i have so many christian friends who are convinced it's so wrong...:\