Dec 11, 2004 16:38
stole this from Lang..yay Lang:
[x] bored.
[ ] happy.
[ ] swedish.
[ ] Hawaiian.
[ ] Samoan.
[ ] Filipino.
[ ] Korean.
[ ] British.
[x] white.
[x] [french]Canadian.
[ ] black.
[ ] hispanic.
[x] Irish.
[ ] Asian.
[ ] German.
[ ] Indian.
[ ] Italian.
[ ] French.
[x] a mutt or mix of everything.
[ ] Indonesian.
[ ] Jewish. (it's a religion ppl! not a race!!)
[ ] short.
[x] in between.
[ ] tall.
[x] grounded.
[ ] sick.
[ ] mad.
[x] lazy.
[ ] single.
[x] taken.
[ ] looking.
[ ] currently sleeping with someone
[ ] not looking.
[ ] brokenhearted.
[x] IMing someone.
[ ] scared to die.
[x] tired.
[x] sleepy.
[x] annoyed.
[ ] hungry.
[x] thirsty.
[ ] on the phone.
[ ] in your room.
[ ] drinking something.
[ ] eating something.
[ ] in your pjs.
[x] ticklish.
[x] listening to music.
[x] watching TV.
Have you...
[x] kissed a member of the opposite sex.
[x] kissed a member of the same sex.
[ ] crashed a friend's car.
[ ] been to Japan.
[ ] ridden in a taxi.
[x] been in love.
[ ] been dumped. ((only once))
[x] shoplifted.
[ ] been fired.
[x] been in a fist fight.
[x] snuck out of my parent's house.
[x] ever had a crush on someone of the same sex. ((twice...and i'm not over either of them...god it hurts))
[ ] ever dated someone of the same sex.
[x] had feelings for someone who didn't have them back.
[ ] been arrested.
[ ] stole something from a job.
[ ] celebrated New Years in Times Square.
[ ] gone on a blind date.
[x] lied to a friend.
[ ] had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.
[ ] been to Europe.
[x] skipped school.
[ ] been married.
[ ] gotten divorced.
[ ] had children.
[x] seen someone die.
[ ] been to Africa.
[ ] had a crush on one of my myspace friends.
[ ] driven over 400 miles to attend a show/festival/concert.
[ ] been to Canada.
[ ] been to Mexico.
[x] been on a plane.
[ ] seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
[x] thrown up.
[x] purposely set a part of myself on fire.
[ ] been snowboarding.
[ ] met someone in person from the internet.
[ ] taken painkillers just to take painkillers
[x] intentionally burned yourself.
[x] miss someone right now
[x] missed just a friend.
[x] have a crush on anyone right now.
[x]ever been asked to a formal dance.
[x] sick and tired of the opposite/same sex.
Something important on your desk: the computer... and the t.v. remotes
When you sleep you wear: pajama pants and a shirt
If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: a dressage saddle...i'm sick of the stupid saddle we have.
Something you don't have a lot of: ...i dunno
If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: cds, some clothes, my journal
If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: i dunno
A time when you purposely hurt someone emotionally: ...i don't know, but i have no doubt that i've done it
A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: 24/7 ...i'm great that way. <<
One person you have killed in your thoughts: people...myself...and more people
Three traits you look for in a friend: comforting, honest, fun ((i agree with lang))
Who makes you laugh most often: Lisa, Matt, David, James, Bre, Lauren
A friend who you can tell anything: Lisa, Ashtian, Matt, Hizz
A friend you can go to for advice: most every depends on what the advice is for.
The best piece of advice you had been given: *shrugs*
Two closest friends: Ashtian...Matt?
The friend who uses most of your energy: Ashtian
Your 3 best qualities: don't have any...well..i can listen rather well.
Your 3 worst qualities: everything...and i'm EXTREMELY pessimistic and emotional.
Describe your Ideal self: i dunno..not me
You are embarrassed when: I say the wrong thing,screw up, ...etc.
The greatest physical pain you ever endured: oh god..i dunno
The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: keh..stuff...
Moment you are most ashamed of: alot
Your best physical feature: ...i dunno. my legs? they're...long..and stuff..0.o
Who/What makes you happy: David, Ashtian, Matt, Lisa, Hizz, Lauren, Bre, Lang
Who/what makes you sad: failing, my life...fights with David
Emotion you hide most: ....*shrug*
The emotion you tend to experience most: over-happiness, and depression
The emotion you are feeling most lately: depressed
You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: crying. i'm way to emotional. hurting friends.
When you are angry you need: time alone
When you are sentimental you need: smiles or time varies
When you are in love you need: patience, understanding, AFFECTION
One of your most peaceful memories: i don't think i have one.
One of your most tragic memories: long list or short list?
One of your angriest memories: read back..i prolly posted it.
A memory that makes you laugh: most of my time with ...her. or David. Or Hizz. Alot of stuff with Matt.
A memory that makes you happy: my birthday. halloween.
Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: kissing you neck, cuddling, affectionate things... and being yourself
Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: put down or make fun of a an individual for being themselves. Being so insecure you have to act better than everyone else and denying the fact that you do it.( i agree with Lang again) Lying.
Two things appealing about people: eyes...i love ppls eyes...and i have a weakness for blue eyes. uhm...being we see a pattern?
A personality trait you find appealing: understanding or affection ((there it is again!)) being able to look some in the eyes, everytime you talk to them.
Your secret passion: ...*shrugs*
What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: i dunno. the feeling that someone somewhere really cares?
If you had more time alone you would: prolly do some more stuff i'll regret
If you had more patience you would: ride more
If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: ...*shrugs* stuff
If you had no commitments what would you be doing: being with my friends, with david, or just ....alone. but prolly the first two. i'm a rather social creature most times.
If you could have one super power what would it be: power over fire
If you could start all over: alot of things. like not being born. or if that wasn't an option....i dunno...not making some mistakes that i did.