Ok so I have a new fandom. I saw an episode of this programme a couple of years ago with my mum and dad, I remember than saying, as they did with so many of their police procedural type shows, "watch this you'll like it"
This would be followed by my traditional whine that I didn't have time to add more tv to my life and couldn't stand those type of shows anyway.
A couple of years later and I accidentally catch an episode of the show and find that I love it instantly.
Cue a quick trip to HMV and I find myself in possession of seasons 1-4 on DVD.
Before long I'm obsessing over the awesomeness of the main characters and seeking out decent fanfic. I am definitely hooked.
What is this new fandom? Criminal Minds.... I LOVE IT.
Especially Reid and Garcia. Nerds ftw!
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