
Jun 03, 2010 21:07

 I have some friends who left two days ago for South Korea to study abroad. I was already envious of them even though I had my own studying abroad experience... but it's at a completely different time and in a completely different country - completely different!!!

*deep breath*

Anyway, she just updated her travel blog with her plane trip and the night in Seoul since they landed in the evening. They decided to go to find Yesung's parents' restaurant, Baptol's, and eat there before settling down for the night. If that wasn't enough, they took pictures of everything along the way as well as pictures of the store front on the opposite side of the street when they got there. Except gosh, how annoying - a huge van was covering half of it.

Someone was also there and then he turned around. It was ZHOU MI. Zhou Mi! Mimi was there! So I wonder what the van was for...

Anyway, she and her friends realised that, "OMG, it's SuJu's van!" Too bad it's too late and they already left by the time they got their bearings.

She did end up taking pictures with Yesung's mom who came over and thanked them. I told her when she comes back, I demand a hug so I can vicariously "meet" Yesung's mom... and then him.... and then Super Junior (+M).

My brain's still in shock. Just think, if I was there, how would I be then?

On second thought, lets not. I'd probably do something incredibly embarrassing.


UPDATE: As if I needed to spazz more, I visited Mimi's "twitter" and lo and behold...

今天去了艺声哥的饭店录节目~真的很好吃~ 在店里看到了久违的叔叔阿姨,人超好好热情~ 顺便帮艺声哥打打广告^^ 大家有空来韩国要去这弘大附近的店哦~밥톨!!欢迎大家光顾!!

Rough translation:
Today I went to Yesung hyung's restaurant to film~ it's really delicious~ There, I met JiuWei's* Aunt and Uncle who were all extremely friendly/hospitable~ At the same time, I helped Yesung hyung film a commercial^^ When everyone has time to come to Korea, come to this great neighboring restaurant~ Baptol!! Everyone please come!!

** No clue who 久违 is supposed to be... Should I? :/ My brain won't come up with anyone!

My friend helpfully noted that they entered the store right after he left and said that they sat at the table right next to that unknown lady on the phone in the upper right hand corner of the picture. And she highly suspected that those tables put together were for the special guests who they narrowly missed. T_T

!fangirl, !translation, artist: super junior-m, random, artist: super junior

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