Things that I'm unhappy about leaving out from the first open source MV3D release:
- Trees and Grass. They got lost in a refactor (since they were a hack) and were never reimplemented correctly.
- The in game editor. It's dead Jim, kick it if you don't believe me. Implementation sucks anyway.
- More stable data storage. Not that I've had any problems with it, but glyf showed me the light (as usual).
- A Linuxy easy install
- Load balancing. Borked a while ago with some change and never updated.
- All your CPU are belong to simulation service. It uses as much CPU time as possible currently when it should probably calm down a bit if nothing is going on. Easy fix, but next release.
Things I need to get ready before said release:
- Need to set up one of the MV3D server boxes as an account/directory/asset server.
- Need to QA / fix bugs.
- Need to settle the license issue (which to use).
- Need to do some load testing
Things I'm happy with about the release:
- The authentication. Is very nice.
- Stability(*).
>>> print float(s.Uptime())/60/60/24, "days"
206.242458476 days
- The code cleanup. Modules make way more sense now, and everything is Twisted coding style.
- That the foundation / framework should now be in a stable state and ready to build more complex things on top of.
- Modularity / flexibility. I'm loving the new service setup.
- The JSON RPC over HTTP. Is pretty cool.
- Errors! Well, error messages. Don't know what I was thinking before (mostly it was a lack of understanding on how to properly handle errors in Twisted), but errors used to get silently ignored more often than not.
Things I hope to have in the next release:
- A shorter dev cycle.. 1+ years is too long between releases.
- More unit tests.
- Better logging.
- Eye candy.
- Working character generator.
- No more need for Ogre's "Media" folder
- A persistent world. It's possible now, but with no world editing tools, it is rather limited.
- More web interfaces. Got one on the account service now which is very basic, but really nifty.
Things my cat just licked:
- My printer
- My scanner
- My desk
- The DVD I was printing (sorry Cheryll)
- The paper label I was also printing
- The trash bag in my trash basket
- My monitor
- My laptop
- The VHS tape I transferred to DVD (sorry again Cheryll)
- The floor
- My other cat
- Himself
- The feather cat toy he just dragged in that is 2.5x his length
His favorite of the five senses is taste apparently. And I think he's giving me a hint with the toy, so better wrap this up.
(*) I'll be very sad in a few days when I shut down that MV3D server process to upgrade it.