Aug 22, 2008 23:26
Things went really well. New Student ID, deposited final paycheck from ML, help set up 2 Epson 7880 printers, and did some cleaning/organizing of stuff in the photo rooms. The only thing that sucked was that the Bookstore got caught with catastrophic network failure, so I couldn't take care of a few things. I may make a special trip out tomorrow or Monday to see if I can take advantage of a killer deal on a 17" Macbook Pro. We're talking better than student discount because it's a generation back from what's on the market now, free apple care, and a free printer.
Went to the orientation, looked at some of the art of the faculty, got a bunch of handouts that give certain rough ideas of what's going to happen over the next three years, and came out of there feeling like I was in a familiar place, but under completely new circumstances. It no longer feels like I am going to a big school that feels small, but I am in a small program with good prospects, and to top it off, there's almost a 1:1 ratio of students to teachers(excluding specializations). Now comes the hard part: producing art.
The word on the street is that your first year is supposed to strip you to the bone and turn your artistic world on its year. Excitement and nerves are making for a goofball feeling. Heck for a long time I've shyed away from the word "Artist" and have thought of myself as a "Photographer," especially with as many "Artiste" types I've had to deal with over the last 10 years. Within the last couple of years, I've started to come to terms with the word "Artist" and have begun to embrace it. It belongs with "Photographer" as a term I can accept. With any luck, great end of semester/year critiques, and my thesis show, I'll get to enjoy the rewards of these three letters: MFA.
Until next time peeps,