Nov 08, 2007 13:04
It's been 3 weeks only 3 wks since 1st operation but feels MUCH longer! The incision on R Hand pretty well healed over now; internal healing will take 4-6 wks from what Dr said, bringing me to only a week before the 2nd operation on 11/29! At this rate I doubt I'll be making the origional RTW date og 12/13, so I'll have to shift more paperwork to get my LOA extended a few wks longer. Bother! As it is, I can make a fist, though still unable to clench it, or twist my wrist all the way without discomfort (I know enough nopt to push it to point of "pain"!) Still, a week ago I couldn't even peal a bananna with it & today I could. Progress, I quess?
I thought I'd had a cleaning kit for the .69 Charliville Musket, but have only been able to find what belongs to the .75 Brown Bess! I know I've still got some 18th Cent stuff like my iron kettle & the tinder box stored inside Bea's old Ice Box, but that's now in the back shed with some other heavy pieces of furniture blocking access to it; a long job to dig it out even with 2 good hands to use! Anyway, I went through Google & found what I need through my old friend G.Gedney Godwin's Suttlery! I didn't know the company was even still in business since Ged died! Once I get the stuff it'll be ok to use the musket for the 1812 Militia @ Genessee Village next season. With Civil War so "iffy" it's nice to have something to look forward to again. Yesterday I watched the History Chanel's DVD "First Invasion" on 1812 & as happy to verify from what their reinactors wear that the outfit & equipment I've already got will fit in fine as a NY Frontier militiaman.