Hard at work..

Aug 15, 2004 13:29

(( visible to all ))
The defenses in Burmecia are in place. Please do not be alarmed, Queen Garnet and Regent Cid, at the military activity here. We have no desire to cause trouble with either of you, but wish to be ready in every way when Seygora attacks, as well as have troops near enough the border to come to the aid of your countries should Seygora attack you. May the goddess protect both your nations as well as Burmecia.
(( visible to anti Alcarin faction ))
All work and no play make King Fratley a horny dull boy. I do wonder where Freya is. That Laguna better not be making the moves on her... or vis versa.
The former King stopped by and is none the wiser. I sent him off to be with Alcarin some more. I felt bad sending him to his potential doom but.. he is obviously tainted and we need more information on what is happening. I think it might have been what he was drinking or that thing he kept putting in his muzzle and catching on fire. I'm having both of them tested. So far I've been told that what he was smoking appeared to be an average addictive drug, but what he was drinking had something other than alcohol in it that shouldn't have been there.
(( freya ))
Try to be back soon dear, I miss you and need your support.
(( private ))
Its good to be King. I am so not giving this back when Puck is back to normal. Does that make me evil? Nobody's perfect.
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