Things have been kinda nuts, lately. I've taken some time off of work, been out to see my sweeties on the west coast last weekend, and then out to anthrocon this weekend, with a 13 hour day at work in between them.
AC felt kinda odd in a couple of ways. I have been so swamped with work recently that i've just not been feeling creative by the time i get home. I think i've done more art this weekend than i have in the last six months. I'm fairly pleased by how most of it came out, too. The con felt odd partly because i felt unprepared going into it. Partly, a lot of the folks i know either weren't here, or were busy off doing Other Things. Having a dealer table makes the con much more affordable, but it also means I'm in that big airplane hanger of a room most of the day. The Zoo is just odd when there are so few folks i know are fun to hang out with. Still, sat down with some new folks, hung out with some others, had a good time regardless.
For all that i had very little that was new, sales were good. I brought along some double-D20 dice, a small 20 sided die inside a larger, clear die, you can roll one and get two numbers. They went like hotcakes. It's late on sunday night right now. I'm kinda beat, mostly packed up for tomorrow. I'm waiting for a text message to tell me that my sketchbook is ready for pickup. After that, i plan to fall right the hell over and get some sleep. I shall be posting some stuff at FA quite soon. Somebody requested what turned out to be the gayest bunny i've drawn in a long, long time. I'll likely color it.
As expected there were rather a lot of ponies. Some awesome suits, good costumes and assorted sillyness, etc. Speaking of, i'd mentioned to several people an AMV Hell type compilation of stuff, here it is:
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huh. that was not the one i wanted to link. try this one.
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