I had a travelful and eventful labor day weekend.
It started thursday, getting a chunk taken out of my arm. I'd had a... something in there a while, possibly a benign fatty cyst of some sort, possibly alien tracking device. It's been with me for a decade or two, but i decided it was time we parted ways. It turned out to be a lipoma, totally benign.
*Largeish pic of happily boring cells* Now i've got a divot in its place, with stitches. It's healing nicely, and didn't bruise up nearly as much as they thought it might. I rested for the day, the went up to see
Karatekitty and
Scavengerchild in philly for the evening, before hopping up north the next morning, picking up an old friend near Albany, and heading up to the Adirondack mountains to see family.
Mom and her beau are doing well, and it was great to spend time with them, along with my sis and her husband (who live about an hour from me, and i see far more often) and also the pair of Westies that each of them has. We had some nice weather, although getting on, it became standard for the region, summed up best as: "Don't like the weather? Wait five minutes." Alternating blustery, sunny, warm, chill, damp, hot, rain, etc. Before that, though, we had some nice time on the deck, and going for walks. Also in the pursuit of complete random, i delivered a cello and a radiator to one of my middle school art teachers as the result of a peculiar chain of events involving submarine accoustics, Hawaii, my attic, and a playstation 3.
I had a good time, caught up with friends and family and lots of excellent cooking, swung by Plattsburgh, spent the day out with a friend where we enjoyed some local food there and from a place called
Rulf's Orchards, and did some shopping. Monday, i reversed the trip, and arrived back in philly to spend monday-weds with
Karatekitty and
Scavengerchild, where excellent spending-time-together was had, and then back home wednesday.
This showed up in my mailbox when i got home. I was kind of amused.
Work continues busy, hopefully we're getting much nearer the theoretical finish lines that we've been working towards. -_- i have a daunting number of things to organize/do/plan, but i'm chipping away at them, can only do one thing at a time. Due to a collaborator's difficulty with instructions, i ended up spending most of saturday in the lab, working on important stuff that showed up late, had to be dealt with. With most jobs, something will wait 'til monday. When it's biological stuff, not so much. Still, i got home and spent an enjoyable hour in my hammock. I got to meet "Pluto", the dog of some new neighbors. He's a pitbull, very sweet, but his human family is trying really hard to live down to the "irresponsable owners of unfixed male pitbull" stereotype. -_-;
Tomorrow, i have a scheduled pummelling to iron out my back, badly needed. I think there may be art night to follow in the evening. I need to do a bit of trimming and raking as well, i've been neglecting that as life has been going by at high velocity.