Mar 09, 2004 23:18
Still feeling the trickle down, it's not warn off yet. Sometimes I worry it's going to be a perminant mind set shift or something. That scares the shit out of me. Since I gained that fucking drivers liscense, I feel like I've lost something else. It's probably not that. Damn incognito bastards, mustache, black glasses wearing demons. I love it when mustache is pronounced Moo Stash... maybe with a litte slight moo stash ey... ey quieter than the rest. Made a few mildy irresponsible decisions today. But god damn it i'm alive. Sometimes I worry that I got in a gnarly accident earlier in the day, it was fast and the transition between consiousness and unconsiousness was smooth, or at least I dont know about it now, because I'm unconscious. Any second I'm going to wake up in so much pain in some hospital or something, or I died. Ha, the hours of the day in which I can't really deal with music seem to be slightly increasing. A good majority of my afternoon was spent in silence, doing literally nothing but staring and thinking, or eating something, or cutting shit with an exacto knife thinking about how much it would suck if there was an earthquake and sliced the gosh darn out of my self and bled to death because no one was home. Then I proceeded to read the dictionary for 20 minutes or so this evening, after which I fell asleep for a few hours, neglecting everything I "should" have been doing. I'm wearing a fucking sheep in a whool on my head, how stupid is that? It's been so quite... around me. It's totally just a transition, maybe, I hope. The slightest, tasteful amount of the right thing can be god damn sexy, I love it. I'm gonna go look for something, dorothy dorothy dorothy