Oct 20, 2006 19:48
Manager: Cirimele
Floor Staff: Hannum
Attendance: 33
Over/Short: The mask of Zero
Percap: 2.35
-I took a walk down to the local bank. I’m a big advocator of supporting local business. We have to have each others backs in this world where we live. The weather was hotter than it’s been since it turned autumn. I can’t wait for nightfall, until then, I settle for daybreak.
The cast of characters that I had to work with was a bit different than what I was prepared for. I’m sure we are all familiar with the potential catastrophe that this could initiate. A mistake in routine can send a man or woman careening over the edge. I was able to keep my wits and play it cool.
The bank was nicely air conditioned which made my longer than usual stay quite comfortably pleasant.
I quickly scanned the premises for a familiar face. Immediately to my right I spotted Rocio Mendoza. She was wearing brown pants that matched her hair with a touch of class, a nice blouse, some well coordinated high heel open toed shoes and her usual glowing smile. It was a very bank appropriate outfit. It appeared as if she was training a new girl. I can’t wait to see how this one pans out.
As I walked in toward the far corner in order to make my cash transaction, the new girl smiled and said hello. At first, I didn’t know that she was talking to me. It took me a few split seconds to react and mumble my friendliest hello with a head nod that I could.
The line was longer than usual, but still a short one at that. I waited while an interesting couple spoke with the teller that I was going to have to deal with. The husband was in a wheel chair. He had an artificial arm from the elbow on and appeared to be missing a few other limbs as well. I didn’t examine too thoroughly. Frankly it’s impolite and it was none of my business anyhow, plus I had to survey the scene to see what I had to work with.
There was one nice looking young man behind the counter that I’ve worked with before. I believe his name is James but the family name escapes me. He was dressed nicely with a blue long sleeve button up shirt. His hair was appropriately gelled for his big day at the bank.
I looked down the line and saw a Stephanie, not the Stephanie that you might be thinking of, but a Stephanie none the less. There was a Jacqueline somebody and a few other random workers that I did not recognize. To my utter disappointment and surprise Thomas Robinson was no where to be found. I searched inside, outside, front, back, up and down. Nobody gets change like I get change and this changed everything.
It was a usual batch of customers. There was a man that reminded me of somebody that I used to know, but I don’t know him anymore.
Finally a spot cleared up for me to speak with a teller. He asked me if I needed to make a deposit. I told him no and that I was just there to get change. He said that he could help me. I set the blue and rainbow Trafalgar bag on the counter and unzipped the largest pocket in which my goods were currently being held. I pulled out a wad of cash along with the currency/ coin request form and slid them across the counter to the man. He said that he was out of fives so it would be just a minute. He gave me $450 in ones. I didn’t need any quarters. The safe was fully stocked.
I waited. It was no problem. I am a man of leisure.
After a handful of minutes the man returned. He counted out the fives and made the hand off. I slid the cash into the bag, zipped the pocket shut and made for the door.
My walk back was pleasant other than the fact that I was fairly dehydrated with a church quire of frogs smoking fiber glass cigarettes while lounging in my throat.
I made it back just in time to open the doors.