May 11, 2014 23:28
For editing at a later date. I am writing on my tablet and this is just a way to keep it saved somewhere
Treville was protecting the king and wouldn't be back for some time and so instead of his lover being at Richelieu's side as he slowly died of disease it was Athos that kept him company. Breathing was painful as was talking but there was some he needed before he allowed himself to be taken to either heaven or hell.
"Keep him safe." He choked the words out on dying breaths. Athos's head whipped round from where he had been staring out the window at the setting sun. He didn't need to ask whom the cardinal meant for his captain's relationship with the cardinal was a secret to everyone but him.
"I will do my best." He may have been comforting an old man in his last moments but that didn't make the words untrue.
"He's yours now." It was far stranger than he could ever express to have the cardinal's blessing but it made him wonder just what side of Treville this man had seen. For the Treville Athos knew would have objected strongly to idea that he belonged to anyone.
"If he'll have me." Athos promised for there were few people who could make Treville do something he didn't want to and Athos was not one of them.
"He will." With that he breathed his last and left Athos feeling a sense of foreboding. It would have to him that would inform their Majesties and his captain of Cardinal Richelieu's death.
He got to his feet and collected his cloak and hat which he had discarded early and left the room with a determined stride. A voice in the back of his mind whispered that he finally had a chance with Treville.