Hey guys! Ant here.
First things first, I am calling a character hiatus. I'm going to give Griffin a break for a week. I'll still be (very slowly) backtagging, but nothing new from him while I get my shit together. But I will still be about with Archy. And this guy. Which brings me to point two, the more exciting one.
Say hi to Balthazar, everyone. He is an angel from that show Supernatural that you might have heard of. But Bal here is a little different from his brothers and sister. In that he's a raging manslut. And Eurotrash-tastic. And drinks like a fiend-- Wait, no, most of the angels are guilty of the last one. But yeah, he is hedonism personified.
I have all the links on his information in his profile. He has all the powers that other angels have, but I will always clear it with you before using them. If you want to talk to me about it (or, well, anything ever), I am on Plurk at