Characters on this list have not completed the
Activity Check for September. If anyone here is still out on a Hiatus, please let us know.
The following have 72 hours to respond either here, in PM to the modjournal, or to check in on the AC list. will be removed from the Taken Characters page on the 29th.
Character's Name: Francis York Morgan
Character Journal: atealot
Character's Name: Thomas MacLaine
Character Journal: bestbiscuits
Character's Name: Polly Perks
Character Journal: sergeantperks
Character's Name: Harry Dresden
Character Journal: dresden4hire
Character's Name: Tron
Character Journal: mightevendance
Character's Name: Elizabeth Middleford
Character Journal: ribbonsanelace
Character's Name: Nick
Character Journal: candyasss
Character's Name: Psycho Mantis
Character Journal: psychic_coffin
Character's Name: Sniper Wolf
Character Journal: sendaloveletter
Character's Name: Smoke (Tomas Vrbada)
Character Journal: wheretheresfire
Character's Name: Gideon Graves
Character Journal: wasnotthecat
Character's Name: Ramona Flowers
Character Journal: dabbled
Character's Name: Andrea
Character Journal: rea_norton