Hi, SP! This is a tentative plotting post for part two of the Terranort plot: the χ-blade. This one's a two phaser, so pop on some music and away we go!
/lol wrong journalherausgesuchtJune 4 2011, 02:18:28 UTC
Obviously Roxas is up to be a victim in Phase 2, since it's Vanitas' turn to kick ass.
I know Roxas and Sora are going to burst out of their prison toward the end of Venitas' reign of terror--they don't have to be the ones to steal the glory and deal the final blow, but I'd definitely like them involved in the eventual takedown because hurrr sameface boys.
I figure he has to be mobile enough to flee via portal or something, because Remnant would just keep going until he was dead otherwise, right? But you may break the bone(s) of your choice. I don't want to put him into a coma, but I'm totally fine with him being thoroughly asskicked. (Though let the poor guy get in a few counter-blows before AUUUUGH.)
The Remnant will happily break Roxas' ribs as a thank you for breaking Vanitas'. I also kind of want to crack a joke at how dickish the Remnant is about curative spells, so if you feel like having Roxas attempt to cure himself that would be hilarious.
BYAKUYA KUCHIKI WANTS TO GET HIS FIGHT ON BB. Seriously, make his ass bankai. MAKE HIM. Because he needs a reason, and he'll love you for it.
Phase 2:
... people are going to HATE ME for this but... Jubilee or Kevin. I'd prefer Jubes because she can put up a fight. But I will leave this up to you, all I ask is you don't kill her, but feel free to injure her.
... He's very formal, and very reserved... right up until he isn't. Because of the city, he won't release the gokei, but other than that... anything you want him to do he will.
Comments 57
I know Roxas and Sora are going to burst out of their prison toward the end of Venitas' reign of terror--they don't have to be the ones to steal the glory and deal the final blow, but I'd definitely like them involved in the eventual takedown because hurrr sameface boys.
Noted! How badly do you want the Remnant to kick Roxas' ass?
I figure he has to be mobile enough to flee via portal or something, because Remnant would just keep going until he was dead otherwise, right? But you may break the bone(s) of your choice. I don't want to put him into a coma, but I'm totally fine with him being thoroughly asskicked. (Though let the poor guy get in a few counter-blows before AUUUUGH.)
BYAKUYA KUCHIKI WANTS TO GET HIS FIGHT ON BB. Seriously, make his ass bankai. MAKE HIM. Because he needs a reason, and he'll love you for it.
Phase 2:
... people are going to HATE ME for this but... Jubilee or Kevin. I'd prefer Jubes because she can put up a fight. But I will leave this up to you, all I ask is you don't kill her, but feel free to injure her.
... He's very formal, and very reserved... right up until he isn't. Because of the city, he won't release the gokei, but other than that... anything you want him to do he will.
All right, I've definitely got a better idea of how Byakuya fights |D Looking forward to it!
do you need a hug
you know
if you want :V
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