Planning Post, Part 2: Timeline!

May 26, 2011 19:50

This would be Timeline the beta, the sequence of events that have been worked out so far by myself and the participating muns. ADDITIONALLY, there are some “side effect” options for players and characters that would like to be involved but not directly in the thick of the battles and showdowns. These side effects can include getting hit with ( Read more... )


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pullsheavendown May 27 2011, 01:17:00 UTC
I may be out of town the same weekend as you, but for a shorter amount of time--I'd leave Saturday the 11th in the morning and be back the next day in the evening, most likely. Which doesn't directly conflict with anything here, I don't think, but if it looks like any heavy logging would occur on those days that Roxas should be around for, it might be better to shift things slightly. I WILL have my laptop and smartphone for mobile tagging, but I expect to be occupied during the daylight hours. Visiting my family and touring Gettysburg.

(We're nailing down the dates probably this week, so if I'll be in town after all, I'll report back.)


caliginose May 27 2011, 01:31:52 UTC
HMMMMM if you're gone on the 11th and the 12th, but have Xehanort do his business to him and Sora before that, then have them break out on the 13th, it could still work? Provided you don't mind backtagging and everyone knows how the logs will actually end.

Otherwise I think we'd probably have to move everything forward so that it skips that weekend entirely, starting with the attack on Aqua on Monday the 13th.


pullsheavendown May 27 2011, 01:37:56 UTC
I don't mind backtagging at all. I think everyone's pretty committed to tagging in a timely manner when they're not afk, too--I know I'll have my nose pressed to the computer screen like a loser. :|b And I don't want to inconvenience others, so that works.


caliginose May 27 2011, 02:22:32 UTC
Okay, if you're sure! :3 If anything changes at any time, just send word and I can move stuff forward lickety split.


pullsheavendown May 27 2011, 02:27:13 UTC
Will do o7 If it came down to it, moving it up a day would probably help more than moving back, but that's two days in a row with no breathing room for you, so promptness and possible backtagging are probably a better idea.


caliginose May 27 2011, 02:28:14 UTC
There's also forward-dating! :D Be like "we're starting this today BUT ACTUALLY it happens tomorrow!"


pullsheavendown May 27 2011, 02:29:20 UTC
--THAT'S TRUE. Excellent point.

I'll call the family and try to nail down when we're going this week anyway just to know either way. SIGH, PARENTS, ALWAYS WANTING YOU TO COME VISIT AND STUFF.


caliginose May 27 2011, 02:44:15 UTC
IT'S OKAY we'll work it out! \o/


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