Aug 02, 2010 02:34
H-hi everyone, new kid derpderp. I'm Kirsten and this is Pip Bernadotte, who is a poisonously French mercenary with ridiculously long hair and one eye. He will also show up in bloodsoaked clothes due to a bad fight with a Nazi who happened to be a vampire, wondering wtf is this he was doing something and then shrugging it off because hey, work!
He's also a womanizer, smokes like a chimney, cusses like a sailor, and can hurl a knife into a man's throat from around fifteen feet away. And he works with and helps blow up vampires and other supernatural critters, so half of everything in the city will not faze him. Fun!
My exhaustive tl;dr is in his journal - it's usually easiest to catch me by PM, considering my computer is fickle and hates AIM/meebo/etc. sob I have tried everything, but. Glad to be here!